Uh.... Project much?

There's a reason that stereotype is so frequently identified as a conspiracy theorist. People who don't ever get out and see and understand the world are the ones making up lies like there's evil cabals of lizard men and pedophiles running the world. I mean, why else would the world be so unkind to them? Why else would they be so unhappy?


I did. Sounds like you fucked yourself up on DMT. Brain definitely not working right!

We are speaking about two different things.

We should be able to agree that the feelings that you are talking about, which I agree are feelings, are perception, and perception in the interest of self-preservation. The emotion stems from the brain noticing elements and responding to them. And we have a lot of knowledge and instinct that goes into that, for example, a woman knows walking around in a dangerous place alone is not a safe place, and a big scary person following her around is a bad thing.

What I'm talking about is when feelings are used without that knowledge and instinct, and the feelings are relied on, not the knowledge and instinct bringing about those feelings. Does that make sense? The parable of Chicken Little is very significant. Upon getting hit in the head with something falling from the tree overhead, he looks up, feels like it means the sky is falling, and runs around telling everybody. In that situation, and those like it, his feelings were wrong and should not have been trusted. And the determining factor there is the amount of knowledge that you have on the situation.

Which means that if you're guessing at something based on feelings.... It's bullshit.

Well there's a lot of truth to many things. It's not just a saying and sign of the times, it's a comment on human tendency. And there are much fewer barriers to make music now, and while that means there is much more music as a result, the increase in the low end is where we see it, not the top end. So as it becomes easier and easier to make music, and more and more people do so, the average quality of music continues to go down. The total amount of good music can also continuously go up.

It's like our parents saying that fashion repeats itself and they remember when XYZ was in fashion, you laugh and go yeah sure, and then 15 years later you're going holy shit.

Absolutely not. There's a huge amount of music being created, yes, but 99% of it is dog shit. That's why the other 1% gets so much attention and is valued so!

Music will always be in a better state when the reason for it being played is to create music and not money. And we are in a time where music is played for money, not for music.

Honestly, as horrible as it would be, some massive fucking Kaiju completely hitting reset on the world's priorities might not be so bad.....

Do you have any evidence, or did you just notice a brief spike but no change in the average, and be misconstruing that?

It's never going to be a consistent thing, like you watch one bird have a problem a week, is it? Kind of ridiculous to assume that

Math is the language of the physical world. If you want to learn and understand the world, learn math.

Or you could keep making bullshit conspiracy theories?

I've always thought it weird that such an issue is made of potentially smelling hair.

I mean, I do not really associate that with sexuality at all? I could care less, but I've had some girlfriends that have had hair that fucking smells like candy or vanilla half the time. Of course I'm going to get a big whiff of that, just like I take a big whiff when I pass a pie in the windowsill. And I'm going to do the same every time somebody else walked by with hair smelling like literal roses. I'm not doing anything to you, I'm smelling the smells that you're putting out as my body is supposed to do?

If I had a buddy that just randomly said man I really like the smell of hair, I don't think I'd immediately think he's some sort of weird sexual freak, I would just think the guy likes the smell of hair? I almost got to give Joe some credit, could you imagine being that old and walking past some kid and your brain tells you it's not a kid it's a vanilla macadamia nut in disguise?

PSA to anybody reading the above comment. If you're conspiracy theory relies on secret lizard men, the devil, and things that are obviously false and made up boogiemen? You're trying to build a house on sand, and your opinion will never stand up in front of others.

Anybody believing in God and the Bible or whatever has already shown us logic and reason means nothing, and they're just making ideas that make them feel good and warm and fuzzy. Fucking scared little pussies.

For anybody feeling this way, please ask yourself this.

What separates you and that thinking from a bunch of schizophrenics thinking? If everything revolves around an emotional feeling, you aren't using logic and reason. You are just making shit up based on your obviously extremely fallible emotions.

Bird brains don't work when it gets too hot. When it's very hot, you'll see a lot of birds that won't move out of the way, have very slow response times, and are flying into windows.

So yeah, I guess you're just observing one of the effects of the climate changes

Monkey in Space

Same can be said about those celebrities opinions about what you and I think. They'll take the money in the bank

You must mean except for the time they spent winning four championships while being considered a dynasty, right? That took a considerable amount of time.

Yeah, I think if you're described as an NBA dynasty, you deserve to be a little bit of a cocky fuck.

Oh for sure. It was just my first souls game, and even though my first playthrough definitely took the longest and I was exploring everything, I swear half the time my asshole was so puckered I was making o-rings out of my seat cover. I wasn't looking around out of amazement, I was looking around out of fear.

Second time around, the appreciation for the world they made went through the damn roof

Elden ring.

The second character, after you finish and play ng+, and give it a little break. You come back, skill wise it's like jumping back on a bike, and you have both the wonder and take the time to actually fully see and explore the game again. In 30 years of gaming, it's the one title that goes off the dang scale. There's just no words that do it justice.

Monkey in Space

No doubt. But we also should prefer vegetables to cake. Fortunately and unfortunately, reality doesn't operate on what somebody thinks "should" happen or any sense of justice.

And rather than be mad at the world for existing in the way that it does...... I choose to appreciate it for what it is. And that can mean I think Trump is frequently hilarious and the great public speaker and deflector but also intellectually bankrupt and essentially actually a retarded con man.

They might be endangered around here (which is a good thing?) but go up around Tahoe and it is a very, very different story. Motherfuckers roam around in packs 50 deep.

Just find an area with a few smaller mom and pop restaurants. As long as your dog is behaved and you communicate you're trying to get out of the heat for a little bit, you will be happily allowed to go chill in a corner somewhere. Just find a place and order a taco or two and you'll be good.

Cool. Thanks for offering! Always nice to see.

I would highly advise leaving early as fuck on the 3rd. Maybe even leaving the night of the second, and just doing it overnight and getting to bed at like 1:00 or 2:00. If you haven't done it before, coming down from Truckee or going up into Southlake is going to take an extra hour, maybe more, just for the last 20 miles or so. And it's going to be fucking hot.

I hope they are okay.

That said, someone needs to find some footage. I cannot imagine the absolute simmering rage when they both find out they can't arrest each other.

I can almost imagine them yelling the exact same things at each other at the exact same time and then stopping and going to wait, what? Brad?

Monkey in Space

He's gone down significantly, but if you rewatch the debates with him versus Hillary, it becomes very apparent that he is brilliant at one thing. Public speaking in front of an audience. It might not even be conscious, but his brain is doing it.

Agree or disagree with him, he knows how to do it.

Monkey in Space

I think about the same as I think when Christians say that Jesus was God and he's going to return and warp us all up to heaven, or that Zeus sits on top of Mount Olympus and throws down lightning bolts. You should too, but it seems like you're a very gullible person.

Deep literature is meaningless. Someone saying something is meaningless. Evidence, that is what is paramount. Go look at the book that many flat earther site, 100 proofs the world is not a globe. Who was it written by? A man who owned a printing press, who was actively making unsuccessful books to sell, finally finding a book with enough bullshit in it to make the national inquirer ashamed, and that got people's attention. It was a con from the start. And behind every carrot, there's a donkey. Are you that donkey?

Monkey in Space

I think he found and played into the stereotype that Colbert's character was making fun of.

I refuse to believe he's "that" dumb. Just like every extremely successful and long-term talk show host, they are playing a character that doesn't necessarily reflect their true selves all the time. And while I don't agree or like him, The guy has made millions and has had a huge audience agreeing with him and asking for more. Hard to find a book where that's not listed under success.

He's one of those people that I'd really like to have a beer with in an empty bar, because there's a small part of me that thinks I'd see a completely different person.

Monkey in Space

Yep. Imagine if someone just offered you 50K to just "be less controversial" with your Reddit comments for a year.

I mean, if you don't take them up on that you're either already rich as fuck or a dumbass.