This is just a general observation throughout the years, mostly from driving a lot. But birds are getting dumber.

When driving I would see birds all the time on the roads eating stuff or just hangin out on the hot pavement keeping warm. They would move out of the way, or fly off well before I even came close to them while driving. They were more aware of potential threats and didn’t risk anything.

Now days when I’m driving I have to slow down and even break slightly hard to make sure I don’t kill them. They look around like, “oh shit! There’s a car? How did I not see it?”.

Also, the amount of birds that have flown into my house/windows and die, happens frequently now. I have a normal house, nothing with large windows or anything and they all have screens. So it’s not like there would be confusion that it’s a damn window since they would clearly see it’s not a clear path to fly through.

I know, not your average exciting conspiracy post but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while now and wonder if any others out there have thought this at all?