I would start by reaching out to some of those people who care about you. Depression and anxiety tend to make us isolate, which is the last thing you should do. Is there a friend or family member you can brainstorm ideas about handling your debt? Avoiding court? Sometimes we just need to know what to expect if A or B happens. The unknown can generate paralyzing fear. You are not a burden. The world will not be a better place without you in it. Reach out to people for advice and comfort until that stress starts to lessen. Take things a moment at a time. You are worth it. Hugs to you. You can do this.

There are many reasons we may not know or remember what's considered "common knowledge". Don't kick yourself - ever - for not knowing something. Common knowledge or not, makes no difference. I bet your brain replaced this useless fact with something much more pressing. 😊

We are saved by grace, not by works. Righteousness is attributed to us ONLY because Jesus died on the cross for our sins - nothing more, nothing less. Evem faith to believe in Him is a gift from God. You are important to Him, terribly so. I an praying for you. I have not been through that type of pain and the eyes of course are so sensitive. I'm sorry you are dealing with this right now. I hope you get relief soon. I pray that He will strengthen you, as well as encourage your spirit. Please keep us updated with how you are.

My 17 year old son has drawn some things similiar. Your work is very expressive and moody. Keep drawing,

Hi Nathan. My heart goes out to you. Sounds like what you need more than anything is a good friend. Taking meds or changing your appearance isn't going to help with all that's going on inside. At least not long term. Are you aware of how many people regret transitioning? Or the fact meds will make you sterile forever? You are lovable just as you are, dear one. Feelings lie. So what that you aren't as good as your friend at swimming. Or that you're awkward and self conscious. That you struggle more than it seems others do. Notice I said "seems". Though every person ever created is unique, the despair and sadness you feel is not. Recently I was scrolling on YouTube and a rant from a young man with title something like, "it's hard to be ugly" came up. I watched it. What I saw was a young man who wasn't what most would call attractive. Maybe way below average to most. But his kindness, softness, compassion and adversity made him one of the best ppl I have come across in a long time. And a beautiful young lady commented that she actually thought he was kinda cute. She too has a beautiful spirit. They met in real life and are now married. She is (was?) A model. He has been the salve to help heal her very damaged heart. Since watching that video, new ones keep popping up from other young people reaching out for hope. They too think they are unlovable. Crippling anxiety. Often from dysfunctional homes. One or both parents, their voices play in the young person's mind. They are barely hanging on. Long story short, you are not alone. Not unloved. You are here for a reason. It breaks my heart to hear all these young people who think the world is better off without them in it. I can be your friend if you need one. I am a mother to 4 kids. 3 teen boys and a daughter in her 20's. I was (still am! Lol) an awkward individual who struggles in many ways. But I have a handful of ppl who care about me and I try to help ppl when I can. I've lost 2 family members to suicide so I know about that, too. You were made for great things. Hang on reject those voices in your head and in real life that say you are unlovable and unworthy. They never have been and never will they - be true. Hugs to you, Nathan.

Worried too much about what others thought

  • when they say, "You should smile more".

  • the inability / unwillingness to go beyond small talk

  • not being direct

If you need a friend or just want to chat send me a message. Sometimes we just need to know we're not alone.

Degrees are overrated. Especially these days. If you work hard and show up every day, you're already better than most ppl who apply for jobs today. It's becoming that way everywhere. Most ppl don't have their life "figured out" in their 20's, either. Pets can give you something to look forward to each day. Exercise will help a lot. 5lb weight repetitions while watching a fave movie or tv program is excellent. Especially.those days you don't want to leave the house. Get sun if you can. Whatever is good, beautiful and true, think on these things. And no matter what your feelings tell you, know that you matter. A LOT. We are all here for a reason. There are ppl you haven't even met yet that need your words, experiences and personality to help them get through their struggles. Don't rob them or you of these encounters. I'm pulling for you. You'll get through this.

I've written words so similiar to yours. Do you have a study Bible? Or can you get one / borrow one? Knowing what his word says, reading it yourself, will put you on the right track. Start reading in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Read the notes on each page that correspond, especially the ones you don't understand. It's easier to commit to Him when you know Him. And you know Him by reading His word. Sounds like you're at the point you need to be and being broken is not a bad thing if it means it leads to peace and truth. When you start to see just how loved you are by him, the fear and anxiety will lessen. Ask Him to help you like he never has before. Read His word. But it needs to be a study Bible. The ESV is a nice version if you need a place to start. I have the MacArthur ESV study Bible. Easier than the KJV but a solid translation. PM me if you need a friend. I will help any way I can. I can just listen. Just let me know how I can help you right now. You are not alone.

Just wanted you to know I read your post and I see you. It really is difficult sometimes, isn't it? I really hope you have some easier days soon.

Your response wasn't unusual. And I've said many such things myself.

You are unique. The way you feel right now is not. Others, too, wish for a kind word, a smile, a hug, assurance. If you die, you can't be that person for someone else. You don't want to feel the way you do right now. I understand. You won't always feel like this. And when you do, know your feelings lie to you. The ones that say you're pathetic, unloveable, ugly, boring, worthless... all lies. Our lives are short as it is. Stick around and you'll be glad you did. You're worth.it. it doesn't matter if you don't believe it. It's still true. You are here for a reason and you need to find out what that reason is.

You sound a lot like me when I was your age. Accept I'm a female. I have 3 teen boys and a 21 year old daughter now. I never fit real well in highschool, college, adult life. But I have a few ppl in my life who love and accept me, a husband who gets me. That's all you really need. A small circle who care about you. It would be unusual to know what you want to do with your life at this young age. The average person, if they go to college, change their major multiple times. Many don't get jobs related to those majors. You can have a good life working a job that simply pays your bills, extra for fun stuff. A furry companion is a huge plus and helps until you find someone worth spending your life with. You are on this earth at this particular time and place for a reason. You'll figure it out. You're allowed to figure out what you believe, too. You'll question certain things sooner or later anyway. Better to be on that path now. Be careful what choices you make. Your life is very important. Your feelings lie to you. All the time. Remind yourself that you aren't alone, you are loved, you don't have to have anything figured out right now. Not everyone has an energetic personality. I swear I was born tired. Hang in there, young man. I'm proud of you for asking for help. That says a lot about you.