
The sketch is posted here since this subreddit doesn't allow embedded images :)

[TOMT] Help me identify a game i played when i was youngOpen

Around ~2006, I remember coming across a flash game involving a large fish tank full of piranha, and a human male being lowered into it. I believe you play as the piranha, moving them around with your mouse, though I'm not 100% sure. The sickly pale man/boy, wearing swimming trunks, gets eaten chunk by chunk, gore and all. The graphics were on the realistic side, with both the fish and human being photographic. The tone was not comedic - rather sinister and eerily quiet. Whole thing looked and felt dark. It was in portrait orientation. I have a slight feeling it could've been one of those cheeky minigames made to promote a movie or product or something. The closest we've found is the 'Feed Us' series of piranha-centric flash games, but I'm pretty sure they aren't it because they came out way after 2006, and the vibe is completely different. Might still be worth another look though. Please see my sketch of how I remember this 'piranha game' looking.


hilarious if he'd said "what else", but what he actually started to say was funnier, because it was the start of the word "laughter"

Hiatus Survivor :DnPPixels:

bout 2 hard launch you out the window (joke)

not interested in arguing mate. the books are clearly not your cup of tea, but there's no need to yuck someone's yum. fuck off outta here :)

man no one wants to hear a vent about heartstopper from a cis straight guy, stay in your lane.

heartstopper is so popular because queer people very rarely get to see themselves in a soft and sweet story. that's the main reason. you can vent all you want about writing quality but the fact is: you just don't see yourself in this story and you're used to always having some kind of representation, so you're chucking a hissy fit. not everything's about you.

i was of the assumption that all 6 grub legs fall off, and then after a cocoon period the arms and legs grow from the body. therefore they'd actually have three grubscars on either side. another option would be that only four grub legs fall off and the topmost legs turn into arms, and the grubs tail splits into legs. or your theory, where only two grub legs fall off and the other four become the limbs.

to be fair, i dont think this has ever been addressed in canon so it doesn't really matter what people's headcanon is? i think trolls can have between 2 and 6 grubscars depending on the artist's headcanon and they all make some kind of sense.

Hiatus Survivor :DnPPixels:

mf gonna dye his hair green now

Hiatus Survivor :DnPPixels:

no this made me change my vote you're right

friend, you are simply emulating hussie's mega/gigapauses. call it a nanopause if you want, your readers will understand!

take that break but make sure you set yourself a private "back to it!" goal! It's not the end of the world if you reach that date and feel like you still need time off, but if you definitely want to continue the comic, make sure your break doesn't last forever.

once again i am reminded that today's parents are millenials and late gen x. god the next 10 years of parenting is gonna go off huh

yeah i've got a mate reading for the first time and she seems to be doing really well through the first acts because she still enjoys lolrandom humour. comes in handy sometimes lmao

yeah shits pretty rough to be a hs fan in 2024 LMAO

I'm also a returning fan - realized I'd tapped out of hs in like 2013 and never actually finished it so the past few months of rereading the entire comic and catching up have been wild. lowkey the epilogues are kinda rough but worth it, the recent updates have been getting better and better especially with the new creative team.


Ok, since this message is going to be full of epilogue spoilers, I'm going to encase almost everything in a spoiler tag, sorry lmao

General stuff + Dirk:


Meat timeline v

Candy timeline v

There's a lot of unreliable narration in the epilogues so you've got to read between the lines in a lot of cases, I've probably got some interpretations wrong here but thats the gist of it.

I chose to talk about some of the main plot points of the epilogues but frankly I think it's worth gritting your teeth and getting through it as there's a lot of fun and not-so-fun stuff that happens to everyone. The epilogues have a massive tone shift from Homestuck, and the 10 year time skip means that characters have changed significantly without having necessarily earned those changes. But I think the story is compelling in a lot of ways despite some strange choices made. The coming is ongoing and updates monthly.

no yeah that kinda makes sense, like if the epilogues are canon enough to state that they decanonize something else, despite the fact that the epilogues are famously "dubious canon" you essentially de-dubify the dubiousness. nice work everyone take 5

it's not the case that you'll get told to do the degree again, but there will definitely be some element of "are you up to date with latest tech?" when looking for a job in tech. This is not the case for all fields. Doesn't really matter when you got a degree in history because that field is much slower to develop seeing as we've already worked out everything there is to know about quite a few time periods.

Tech is different because it evolves much faster than many other fields. Sure, you won't ever have to do a bachelor's in data science again, but if you get the bachelors and then don't touch the field for 10 years, employers will be asking if you've kept up, and you'll be wanting to prove that to them. I would advise that if you want to go back into any field after a long time away, you should at least look into taking a short course to get updated. If nothing else but to refresh your memory.

kankri. so quickly. you wouldnt see my hands move.

I use dinnerly, it's pretty decent as a single person household because they have a lower weekly minimum than other meal kits. you'll have plenty of options as a 2 person household. I've found that even though i'm spending like $50 per week on the meal kits, i'm not buying any dinner food from the grocery store which is bringing down my groceries a lot. not to mention the extra brainspace because I don't have to think about dinner every day and I can focus on studying. I've got free box kits if you're up for, dm me innit

As someone from Perth Australia: this is worth checking if you live in a hot country too. If it's hot as balls out, you stay inside, so you don't get that D.

if i didn't feel unsafe going out at 1am as a non-male i'd have done so already lmao