You fucked up, her voice was hot.

Americana Apartments? I haven't noticed any air quality issues when I lived in that area.

This is why I'm only ever getting natural stone for countertops. I don't trust anyone.

Google engineer here: we have an open and blameless postmortem culture so that we all learn from mistakes so as to not repeat them.

I'm a Google engineer, the OMG and postmortem aren't locked down. It really is just an unfortunate one-of-a-kind bug.

And why does the "hand" holding the burger look like a human spatula?!

For those out of the loop, a great piece of internet history:

Quartzite in the kitchen, quartz in the bathroom. That seems to be the right decision for me.

Always funny when people fall for this pasta.

What kind of window is that above the sink? Almost like a mini bay window? What's the point of it?

Did you watch the whole video?

But nobody was killing themselves here.

Hahaha what a baby! Ok thankfully my cat doesn't care that we're gone until it's been like 12-24 hours. If someone else is taking care of her... she'll forget all about us.

What's the size of your garage? I'm looking to build a two-car garage and space is a bit tight so I'm looking at 20' wide by 24' long, and I'm wondering if 20' is wide enough for two cars.

Please don't leave your cat alone. My cat starts crying after more than 24 hours, in a creepy child-like voice that sounds like "Heeelloooo???"