My general rule is:

  • If it's yellow, dodge
  • If it's anything else, parry
  • Blue and Pink have special reactions.

Your main goal should be to parry everything that is parry-able.

I've been going grey since I was 19, I'm 35 now and have more salt than pepper, but I get more compliments on my hair now than I ever did. Just rock it, age naturally.

He shares the space well with Bellingham? Anyone with a shoe size IQ knows that's completely false.

Every time Foden says something, it just reinforces that he is an incredibly talented player, but is dense as a brick. This guy has to be one of the dumbest players in England.

Larry. He's a bit jumpy but pretty pleasant fella to spend time with

Foden is a net negative with this team. I think he is incredibly talented, but until England has a manager that uses extremely detailed instructions/tactics, he isn't smart enough to manage the freedom himself.

The benefit of parry is working the enemies stagger points down, when it gets to 0, you can do a massive damage retribution attack. This game is ALL about parrying. Later bosses will demolish you if you're dodging. Dodging should only be used for yellow attacks, all other attacks should be a parry.

Returnal is only hard in the early hours, I find that game a breeze now, you unlock such useful abilities, and the weapons become VASTLY more powerful.

Who's going around saying he's highly rated? Not sure anyone is pitching that argument.

Report this fool and hopefully get his eBay account banned.

NTA - she pulled the "my body, my choice" fact when you weren't telling her what to wear, but instead advising that she might be overdressed. You can pull the same thing, especially when she is actually telling you what to wear. Equal rights, equal fights - she can't push forward with that double standard, doesn't work that way.

I played only co-op, as solo it's an abysmal experience. Also that's the great thing about an opinion, it can't be wrong. Yours can be different, but as far as I'm concerned, mine is correct because it's the experience I had.

You're the asshole. And you sound like a grade A nutjob.

Foden hasn't just been the worst player on the pitch, he has been a hindrance to their success. He should just head home, this team is better off without him. And don't get me wrong, not saying he's bad, but this ain't the team for him. He isn't a smart player, needs clear instructions, and those instructions need to limit him so he can play to his strengths, too many options and a lack of intelligence means he never knows what to do.

It's really meh. Fun for a couple of hours, nothing to really bring you back in over and over again.

Technically not from the beginning each time, eventually you unlock mechanics that make progressing much faster.

Underwater without a doubt, I haven't found a monster reveal quite like it yet.

This is the answer and it's the monster reveal I keep chasing to find anything that even comes close.

Your husband is a loser. There is only one of you being disrespectful.

NTA. Kelly is acting like a child, and she's doing a damn good job of ensuring her son goes no-contact in the future, I certainly would if I felt like my mom was crossing just about every boundary.

This is the answer. Not too long, not too hard, enjoyable the whole way through. And there's three games.

The core concept is cat and mouse, and both parties play the parts well, and allow for unexpected twists to be applied, at least in the first one.

I can hear your cousins two brain cells fighting for third place. Shoe size IQ over there.