:sas-1: Spurs

Demar on Spurs would push us too far into play-in contention but not far enough to be worth it. Spurs are trying to build long term through draft and by all account 2025 is another generational draft, any 1 in the top 5 would fill a position in need. While i like Demar, he should go to a contender instead.

CP3 is on a very friendly 1yr 11mil easily tradeable come dateline, and i feel CP3 and Spurs are on a short term tenure. What i feel is that CP3 will come help mentor our young guys for the duration of his stays but when an opportunity arrise come dateline, Spurs would be willingly trading him to a contender of his choice for some assets. Pile on more picks 1st or 2nd didn't matter, we want to be in OKC position in the future.

:sas-1: Spurs

Dillingham too small to be an effective defender he gonna get targeted to death, unless his offense is generational it aint enough to cover for his defensive liability. Spurs are not looking to win now that much is obvious, its the other fanbases who want Spurs to push for win now moves and they get disappointed when it doesnt fall that way.

Wolves have no flexibility going forward, in 7 yrs time Kat be on his tail end of his career, Gobert will be too old probably retired, only Ant will be in his prime. Either they win with this core in the next 5 or so years or they go in purgatory.

An unprotected 1st is rare these days and it can be a good trade bait down the line. If Wolves decided to pull the plug the only one they can realistically do is a trade back with the Spurs and Spurs gonna ask for Ant or they hang up. Spurs can now trade both Hawks unprotected and Wolves unprotected, that may not be realistic at the moment but its an option they can offer if a right star is suddenly made available.

:sas-1: Spurs

Basically there isnt anyone left on the board that Spurs liked and Dillingam is too small to be an effective defender. Wolves have no flexibility going forward either they win with this core or they are gonna suffer purgatory. In 7yrs time Kat would be at the tail end of his career, Gobert would be too old probably retired, Ant would be in his prime but it'll only be him.

An unprotected 1st is pretty rare, it would be a good trade bait too if Wolves turn sour and decided to tank in the future holding their unprotected 1st is high leverage.

:sas-1: Spurs

Who will give them any picks tho?

As it stands play-in and 1st round is still achievable, with some luck 2nd round. Its not long term, its not sustainable, but its better than a nothing burger.

Would fans want to pay tix to a brand new arena just to see a tanking team that holds no future till 2030?

:sas-1: Spurs

Nobody will give them a future picks, it is precisely how Clippers fk themselves in the 1st place. Unless these gm are brain dead nobody will want to put themselves in the exact same situation for the same players.

:sas-1: Spurs

There is no future till 2030, they have traded it all away to get here.

A declining PG, an ineffective Harden, an injured kawhi, even if Clippers tried to trade them all away they won't get any assets of value short term. Contenders picks aren't worth it, tanking teams sure as hell don't need either of them, and they don't move the needle for middling playoff teams because they are not available when you need them the most.

OKC and Spurs hold the most picks of any team for the next 2yrs, neither has any need for aging over the hill often injured stars. OKC are even laughing to the bank right now so they sure as hell won't help Clippers get better.

Clippers would be more fk if they blow it up now. Just ride them till the wheels fall off, fill some seats in their new fancy building, some play-in, mayb round 1, round 2 if they get lucky. And hunker down till 2030 and hope for brighter days.

:sas-1: Spurs

Problem is the Clippers just built a brand new billion dollars arena, at their current situation a full blown up would tanked its attendance till 2030. If they retain PG it would put butts on the seats.

Make no sense for Spurs to do this in an all time terrible draft, there is not much drop off in talent between from 1-4. What incentive are there to jump up? Hell it speaks more that teams like Hawks who are tethering want to drop down instead.

:sas-1: Spurs

Pop confirm to coach for another 900 years.

:sas-1: Spurs

I wish Bulls fan could file for negligence and malpractice, god damn your FO stinks. You got an offer for multiple picks early in the year, turn that down just so you can trade him straight up for Giddey. How in the world did you not get even a single pick, not even a damn second rounder. Did they even listen to an offer from others?

:sas-1: Spurs

Hell no. Even if you look past his stats which are terrible in itself, he just had a heart condition out of the blues that nearly killed him.

:sas-1: Spurs

Its ok baby, we got 2014.

  • Manu dunking on Bosh

  • Patty dropping bombs left right and center

  • Boris behind the back no look pass made Heat defense looked like a headless chicken

  • Game 3, 71pt on 75% at halftime stunt the crowd into complete silence

We got them good, 2013 made 2014 that much sweeter.

:sas-1: Spurs

Cavs probably says no, they want to compete and need more talent than draft picks. A 3rd team needs to be involved but i duno who else would be interested.

Hawks 25 unprotected 1st should be off the table, too valuable to a rebuilding team, mayb future 1st and that is less desirable.

:sas-1: Spurs

We miss DWhite so glad he won 1, safe to say majority of Spurs fan rooted for Celtics this yr all because of DWhite. Man we would love for him to come back and anchor the defense with Wemby.

:sas-1: Spurs

PP should only attempt halfcourt heave, dude hitting all of them

:sas-1: Spurs

Its a risk vs reward thing and money aint the solution. To the top super stars of the league would they even bat an eye for additional 2 or 3mil incentives when their regular contract plus shoe deals are already lucrative? There is no reason for them to take the game seriously risking injuries when postseason is just several weeks away.

What u need to hit them with is their fragile ego. Put them up against D1 and Euroleague players, if they lose they gonna get clown to no end while the D1 and Euro guys will play as hard as they could to hopefully get notice and signed for a 2way deal. If they aint wanna participate well they get clown for running away from D1 and Euro.