I do use a liquid feed once a month. I haven’t repotted it since I initially potted it after buying it, maybe it’s time. I’m usually pretty good at trimming leaves and such to keep it clean. I stopped cutting away all the dead leaves since they were dying so much faster than just the natural shedding of leaves.

I didn’t think to check if it was isolated to one vine. What am I looking for in the roots? Just to trim the dead ones and repot it?

It was putting out leaves that were having trouble unfurling so maybe it is getting too long.

I did look at the GR III as well, it is not available easily. I may try to find it used on local marketplaces.

The Fuji X-T5 was higher than I wanted to spend. It felt like overkill for my skill level.

Good to know that is helpful, thank you!

I’ve just never tested my phone battery life like that so I was concerned. This is my first real trip, lasting more than a couple days and entirely out of cell service. I have a newer phone so I imagine the battery is in good shape.

Maybe I need to look into a solar battery bank?

Camera AdviceWilderness

I’m looking for a camera to take on a 6 day backpacking trip. I normally just take photos on my phone but I really don’t want to pack around a bunch of heavy battery backups for my phone when I won’t have service.

I was looking at the Sony a6000 but it looks like the battery life is not great, doesn’t really solve my problem if I have to pack a bunch of batteries for it. Does anyone have any suggestions on a lightweight/small camera that won’t die on day 2 or 3 of my hike? If it takes better pictures than a new cell phone that’s great but my skill with photography is very minimal, I took one class so I need something beginner friendly.

I just wanted to update you after I repotted her… I decided I should separate them before it got out of hand. It was 7 different monsteras… granted 3 of them were so small their leaves didn’t have fenestrations yet.

I use witch hazel, it helps mine not get so big and go down faster.

No, I would not want to make him uncomfortable and there did not appear to be any mutual interest.

Disagree, I worked as a hair stylist for years. I had a regular client that I was in love with. I would’ve said yes in a heartbeat if he asked me out.

To be honest, it felt like luck and a little bit of who you know. I initially made the move to an administrative assistant within the company. The operations director before me wasn’t very effective so I was able to step in and help with things outside of my standard job function. He resigned as he was not right for the role but enough people had noticed the extra work I did and asked if I was interested. I did have to interview against other candidates but they offered me the position.

Feels a little like right place at the right time. There are so many EA skills though that are transferable into operations. The book is kind of silly but The Phoenix Project is a good book about learning the importance of operations.

I’ve seen this happen, I was the EA for one of the 2 execs at a company. I got to train all of the poor souls picked up as the EA for the other exec. I really felt like it was me, I kept trying so hard, how do I set these people up for success.

The other exec finally gave up hiring after bullying the last girl into quitting and decided they could share me as an EA. I had been EA at this company for 4 years, but only lasted a few months before I grew a backbone and stood up for myself. I’m now an operations director making 30% more money with a huge network of peers to help when the job gets tough.

Dirty doesn’t bother but trash would. Like if I have to move the trash off the seat or step on garbage I’ll get the ick. But dirt doesn’t bother me. My car is very dirty, I keep some of my camping and hiking essentials in the back seat and a dog bed in the very back.

Maybe I’m lazy but I just don’t care to spend money on cleaning my car. And since I live in a condo with no garage I would have to go to a car wash to do that level of cleaning.

I feel as though I am thriving, but I still go through phases where my wins feel empty without a partner to share it with.

I’m making double the salary I was when we divorced, clearly throwing myself into work has really paid off for me. I’ve picked up new active hobbies and lost 30lbs. I’ve planned more vacations this year than in the last 3 years of our marriage.

It’s so nice doing what I want when I want. But my friend group is all couples with kids and I am very much the odd person out. Trying to branch out and make new friends at this age is difficult. The new hobbies have helped with that though.

I find myself having trouble connecting to people romantically, it’s hard to open up. It sort of feels like what’s the point of finding a long term partner when they will just call it quits when it gets difficult.

My ex left me too after saying the same shit of I love you but I’m not ‘in love’ anymore. For the first year he was so ready to argue anytime we talked. But it took him a little over a year to start sending drunk I miss you texts. It’s hard to say what’s going on underneath every bullshit layer.

Just because she may look like she’s moved on without any trouble shouldn’t make you feel devalued. I know for a fact you are worth more than this made you feel.

Oh I repotted it as soon as I got it home but I didn’t know it was 4 different monsteras at that point. I have since gotten more education about monsteras since then but still learning.

I think it’s 4. They all came together in one pot, all growing different directions. I’ve thought about separating them but I wasn’t sure the best way to go about it and it’s happy, so I’m not going to mess with it until I need to repot.

Oh those are cute! I will have to look for one. I have a couple of those small pots that are lacking plants.

That’s the dream. She’s growing but slowly. She’s got two new leaves unfurling right now and it’s amazing.

She does, I’ve been struggling trying to figure out the best thing to get for her. Right now I’m trying to just get all her vines facing the right direction with the wire post. But she’s got her first aerial root finally so it’s definitely time to give her a moss pole.

I have thought about it but the room is fairly small, I could potentially get one to put on the ceiling but I worry it would look weird. I’ll probably look into that more next winter when it could use some more light support. For now, if it’s happy I’m happy.

I did when I first got it but then I read you weren’t supposed to. Some of my leaves have twisted stems because I was rotating.