So long story short, my (30F) wife (30F) left me about a year ago after telling me she wasn’t in love with me anymore six months prior. She also wanted to “explore”. It’s been a long year but I am doing better. I still think about it a lot but it doesn’t have that same bite anymore.

Then today, I was turning on the Roku we had shared to play a YouTube video for my dogs while I went to work, and some streaming app that I guess was still attached to her email opened. It showed several profiles (her, her roommate, friend) and then a profile named “penis friend”. I … came to obvious conclusions about what this was. And it hit me like a train. Obviously I knew this was a distinct possibility, even likely. But I had been quite diligent of not checking her social or anything like that so I didn’t have to know for sure, and then of course I just stumbled into it.

It all just makes me feel so pathetic. Like I’m stuck on this, still not ready to date and uninterested in casual hookups. And she’s clearly moved on. There’s this quote from the movie Before Sunrise that goes, “You know what's the worst thing about somebody breaking up with you? It's when you remember how little you thought about the people you broke up with and you realize that is how little they're thinking of you. You know, you'd like to think you're both in all this pain but they're just like “‘Hey, I'm glad you're gone’” and I realized that is exactly what I was doing. I thought that this was a shared process and that even if she didn’t want to get back together, she at least missed me or that this was still painful for her. And that helped me cope. This shattered that. I still think of our life as so meaningful and something I don’t want to let go of entirely, even though it hurts. She does not. For her, whatever it was is gone. She has built a new life that has no place for me in it, and even if this is just a friends with benefits situation, sooner or later, she’ll be in something real and I will just be a distant memory.

Maybe longterm this will be a good thing I learned. It’ll get me to finally shake this notion that maybe it’s not all the way over and maybe shes still holding on to me too. Maybe it’ll push me forward. But for right now it just sucks. Sorry this isn’t really a thesis statement, I just needed to speak with people who understand.