The season pass is not the only reason people play this game, so I don't think this is the case.

The same happened on previous seasons, they always leave some room for catching up or taking a break. I suppose Bungie evaluates their entire playerbase when it comes to deciding how long it should take to get to lv 100 on their season pass and probably you are not among the average players.

If leveling up the season pass is the only reason you play the game, I would recommend you to take a break. Or you could find another reason to keep yourself motivated ingame. I really like to do raids and dungeons with my clanmates or try my luck at soloing some content. There is still a lot of weapon patterns for me to finish and I also enjoy build crafting a lot.

Good luck on your journey guardian!

It is not misinformation, I was under the same impression. Comming from the same experience that you have, but it did happen ONCE with my team and we were like:

"Okay, let's trade once more."

But I still believe that your strategy is sound and people should not worry about this very specific case.

You are right for 99% of the time. There is a very specific situation, that some people have already pointed out, where you may need 6 knights to solve your puzzle. But the logic is still the same, it will be no issue for your team if they already made it so far!

In our team we have a "2D world shotcaller"

As soon as the encounter starts, people report the sequence of the 2D shapes, like "TCS", and then start talking to our shotcaller. He will tell them what shapes they need to exchange and with whom, but they wait for his signal to do so (to avoid people getting new shapes while they are discussing what to do).

It takes like 30-45 seconds to interview everyone and tell them what to do, while he is doing that I am coordinating the "3D world" via text chat.

Each person on the "3D world" is responsible for a knight (the respawns for shapes are fixed so I always know what shape they have on hand) and they simply follow what I say on the text chat.

Usually we got it done in two rounds of dissections and as soon as everyone comes back to their rooms they already know what to do in order to get out.

Keep in mind, we have been playing this raid together since day one, and we are good friends, that's why we prefer to relly on communication since we have a strong bound and have no issues following/cooperating. This is not something easy to replicate when you are on a LFG group.

As a titan main, I'm having a lot of fun trying other classes/playstyles. It helps a lot to understand interactions/reactions that you were not aware of.

It's cool to replay some quests after sometime. I still had the lightfall campaign to finish on my warlock, and having something new (prismatic) to play with made the campaign much better for me!

Have fun, take a break and hope for the buffs!

Unbreakable is not a good aspect. We can do better with glaives with no downsides. It should work like an aggro skill, forcing every mob in a x meters radius to attack your shield. Half the time you feel like you depleted your grenade energy for nothing. A bastion barricade tanks a lot more, not joking

Survivability is key for me.

You want me to be the punch class? That's fine for me, just make sure that I get access to damage reduction perks that everyone else has access to. I'm not even asking to be "better" in damage reduction than hunter/warlock are, god forbid titans succeeding at something these days

I've never "announced" my sexuality before and already faced a lot of prejudice within LFG groups.

Some people can assume everyone is straight, it takes just a simple comment for you to "announce" your sexuality to them because they don't even think about the possibility that people are different in the first place. And this can trigger a lot of hate speech.

Small things like saying hi to your loved one who just arrived home (happened with me) can be read as an "announcement" to some people.

Why do I need to hear guys talking about their girlfriends but in the moment they discover I have a loved one too I'm the one to blame?

Nah... the issue is prejudice itself.

It's not much of a disinfo, but I'm sorry for not accounting for this situation. Even when it happens it should follow the same "idea" of not giving something your teamate is holding.

The strategy works, but it may need another trade. I'll keep that in mind whenever I teach this to someone else! Thanks for sharing!

And it falls so flat in comparison to what we have. Banner titan with wormgod/synthos is still miles better than the prismatic class. BoW not only heals you, but heals your teamates and the melee dmg bonus counts for everyone.

In fact, prismatic titan works better WITH a BoW titan by his side. This is ridiculous lol

Some clanmates had a lot of trouble with the "double up" since some of them were not sure when they had one or two shapes at the same time.

We found that this other strategy was a no brainer, it's visual and fast to understand! We got lucky since no one has gotten double shapes doing that way, but I'll let them know that we might need to do the double up strategy sometimes

You are right, but this is the worst case scenario and it happens to be the same as the double up lfg strategy. (It's actually faster since you wont trade twice on the last round, only if they are exaclty your shape, but you get the idea)

Worst case, you end up doing the double up. Best case, you solve the puzzle with 2 trades.

Both needs no comns!

You are right! Forgot that there is the one scenario where you will get double shapes, and require another round (didn't happened to us yet, but statiscally it can!).

Worst case, you will end up with the double up scenario, or will solve the puzzle with 2 trades

In this example:

T shares T with C and C with S.

S shares S with T and T with C.

C shares C with S and S with T.

Everyone is sharing twice, with diferent friends, with no comns, getting the right shapes in the end.

I know it's confusing but it works


If you got square from [Square friend] and square from [circle friend]. That means that Square gave Circle to [Circle friend].

So [Square friend] messed up. [Square friend] should not have given a shape to a friend that is holding that shape.

This strategy requires no communication and is faster than the double up strategy.

To put it simply: share both of your shapes, with diferent friends, but don't give a shape that they are holding. You can't mess this up.

I can confirm that either combination occurs. Have seen my teamates starting with:

-Double of the same shape.

-Exaclty the shapes they need (you have to share them either way).

-One of the shape that they are holding, and another one.

On the 3D world, statues can have any combination possible, including [Sphere - Cube - Pyramid] combination (this was not very frequent)

I agree that it is hard to change LFG strategies, but this should be the LFG strategy to begin with.

I was surprised to see datto explaining this encounter starting with "having two of the same shapes" on the 2D world. It makes the communication a mess sometimes.

I'm sorry, but I believe you are mistaken. My comment is just to prove that OP is right. Nobody is going to get the same shape twice if you are not sharing the shape that they are holding.

Give them what they are not holding, and give away both of your shapes. Avoid sharing twice with the same statue. This works all the time.

It is, and your example is possible as well. In both cases: you'd end the encounter by sharing 2 shapes by giving your friends the shape they are NOT holding.

I've explained here in a separate comment, you don't even need to ask for the shapes you need!

Don't know why you've been downvoted. You are sharing valuable information to be honest

I've taught this encounter so many times already and the "2D world" is by far the easiest part:

DONT SHARE A SHAPE THAT YOUR FRIEND IS HOLDING. This makes the encounter worse and spawn more ogres as well.

What you should do is: You are going to share your 2 shapes.

You need to share a shape that your friend IS NOT HOLDING.

If everyone does that, this part ends by sharing 2 shapes only!

There is no need to communicate with them because you can see what they are holding and you know what's gonna drop from the shadows on the wall.

If my statue is holding square and I got triangle and circle on the wall: Share circle with [triangle friend] Triangle with [circle friend]

[Circle friend] is going to share triangle with you, he can't share that with [Triangle friend]

[Triangle friend] is going to share circle with you, for the same reason.

Even if you start with the shapes you need, and share them, you are going to receive the shapes you need again. This works every time!

Just write down on paper different examples, it's easier to visualize! English is not my first language, sorry if I couldn't make myself clear!


There is no need to share shapes that they are holding. This takes time and spawn more ogres.

There is a simple way of doing the "2D world" without any communication and I'm surprised nobody is talking about this:

Give your shapes to your friends BUT DO NOT GIVE THE SHAPE THEY ARE HOLDING.

If everyone does that, you will end up with the shapes you need without even asking for them. Example:

You are triangle. The shadows on the wall are triangle and circle

You are going to share circle with your [square friend] and triangle with your [circle friend].

You are going to receive square from [circle friend] and circle from [square friend]

It works every. Single. Time. If you have any doubts, try to write down different examples, its easier to visualize!

You should try BoW with Wormgod Carress and Vexcalibur.

The thing is: Vexcalibur does more damage when you have overshield, and it refreshes your overshield when you kill someone. It is not as strong as your charged melee, but you can use both, while buffing both at the same time. Glaives also attack REALLY fast when you hold defense (this cancel's the combo animation)

Add that to woven mail + BoW cure and you are basically a paladin, applying healling and armor/shields to everyone on your team, not only yourself.

This season's artifact is another good reason to use void weapons too!

The damage scalling with Wormgod is really good for Vexcalibur's melee, you'd be surprised by the damage output and ammo economy, considering that a glaive melee does not consumes ammo you can even use another special weapon (one two punch shotguns are a good option too)

And if that was not enough, your charged melees + super melees are going to be craked on this build.

Synthos also work well here, but is equivalent to Burning Fists x3 (Wormgod's buff). I preffer Wormgod's because it is not hard to keep it up anymore, as add density increased substantially now.

I know a lot of people hate glaives, but the 90% damage reduction from it's shield + the combination of perks you can have + the flexibility it adds to your builds is enough reason for titans to keep a close eye!

I like to offer support as much as I can on pvp, being able to see the health of your entire team in crucible makes me so happy!

This allows me not only to better use my defensive abilities but also to understand the opportunities I have. A low hp ally hidding behind cover is an indicative of either enemies on his lane or that an enemy will try to push and finnish the kill. This gives me an idea of where I should be and when!

I had an amazing time today on pvp. As an Ana main on OW, this is so appreciated!