Ive been reading up on this encounter, and im hoping to get some clarification on the players teleported inside. I’ve seen quite a few people recently suggesting a simpler solution, where the inside players always give their 2 shapes away, and just make sure to not give a shape to a matching shape. It is claimed that this works 100% of the time, just send your 2 shapes away and you are done. Easy right?

I’ve found that it does work most of the time. However, what if each player has one of their own shape plus another shape to start: https://imgur.com/a/Xx7CwEy 

Following this method, after the initial trades, everyone ends up with 2 of the same shape (edit: not their own). At this point, you can just trade the shapes away as if you were doing the “smart” method, but this proves that the “simpler” method does not work 100% of the time. Thoughts?

Edit: here is an example of a source where I found this “simpler” method explained: https://imgur.com/a/E2zxqVL 

Edit: I believe the solution for the example I shared is for circle to give both of their shapes to square, square gives both to triangle, and triangle gives both to circle. This allows you to still finish in just 2 trades each. At first I thought you couldn’t give both shapes to the same statue in a row but I guess you can. Credit to BeatMeater3000 lol

Another edit: some of you really need some reading comprehension skills. I am NOT suggesting/trying to force double shapes at all. I’m saying that there is an edge case of this simpler method that CAUSES double shapes