For solo (assume your statue is triangle and you started with circle + square):

  • put square in square hole
  • put circle in circle hole
  • wait till you have 2 triangles
  • put triangle in square hole
  • put triangle in circle hole
  • pickup square + circle and leave.

If you fucked up and picked up two symbols on accident, dunk at any statue to drop them.

For trios (assume callout is TCS)

  • pickup a shape, literally doesn’t matter which one. Assume you picked up triangle
  • is there a triangle in statue 1’s 3D shape? Yes? Dissect.
  • go pickup a circle, is there a circle in statue 2? Yes? Dissect.
  • woah, the two swapped
  • repeat until each shape in the callout isn’t contained in the corresponding statue. Also, the 3D shape must be comprised of two different 2D shapes. No circle + circle.


don’t know, don’t care. Loot pops out after 3 times so that’s all that matters.

EDIT: Since this has gotten so popular I’ll add one last part to explain the ghost mechanic

  • spectate your teammates and callout where a player’s statue is using numbers 1-6 from left to right
  • put ghost where callout is

…you all can stop complaining that I didn’t mention it now, plz and thx 🙏🏻