Easy: streets are cleaner, customer service is friendlier, digitalisation is more advanced.

Also in Silvetstone 2003 he was brilliant.

A decent breakfast portion alone in Munich will cost 10+ Euro, a decent pizza/burger as well. Not counting drinks. I don’t know how it is possible to spend 15€ a day as a tourist. Unless you prepare a batch of food in your airbnb for a week…

No, what we like to do is to compare Germany to countries that Germans themselves still carry an arrogant attitude towards, to point out that lots of things are meanwhile working better there (e.g., Eastern Europe and Internet speed).

German way of doing things: - regulate the shit out of everything regarding the infrastructure development (like construction standards etc) to such an extent that it would take like 30 years to lay one fiber optic cable in one single street - complain that Helmut Kohl didn’t lay enough optic fiber cables 30 years ago, while most of the Eastern European countries managed to set it up within a couple of years in the late 2000s

The problem of Munich is that it basically always being in either one of 2 states: overcrowded like hell or dead empty, nothing in between.

Iveria is really good.

But in general Munich is very boring and overpriced restaurant-wise, it used to be way better pre-Covid but now it is just atrocious. So don’t expect much.

From my experience there are 4 different timetables: the one in Google Maps, the one in MVG, the one on the displays and the actual one

Apart from Japan 2006 that cost MSC the title.


I second the “dirty and rundown” observation, it keeps fascinating me how no one here is noticing it and keeps repeating this “MuNIch IS cLeaN just look at Berlin or Duisburg or Chicago or Stabbinghampton or whatever shithole that otherwise comes to mind” mantra while the city government gave up on even trying to keep places like Stachus clean, is not even capable to equip the city with modern decent street lighting and lets historical buildings and bridges rot in graffiti. And every Sunday with nice weather it is impossible to find a garbage bin that is not overflown with litter laying around in a 1m radius.

Munich today is too boring for a city and too messy and overpriced for a village.

IMHO Munich is getting more and more overrated, it had its peak pre-COVID when the engineering and software branches were booming, especially around automotive. Currently the trend is downwards, lots of people I know who initially moved here for high-earning jobs in 2017-2019 are leaving to Switzerland/London/whatever, cost of living is growing while the level of customer service and gastronomy is sinking, the city itself is boring (with the city authorities trying very hard to keep it that way), has nothing to offer except some nature during good weather and the Alps nearby.

Honestly I don’t think it could have been better for them if they had a Hamilton-Rosberg-like dynamics but with Max in 2017-18 when Ferrari became stronger. Vettel could have pulled a 2007 Raikkonen and snatched the title.

In big cities it is gradually getting worse, especially in central pedestrian areas and public transport in later hours.

You should be prepared that between a foreigner with 96K and a German applicant with say 60K an average landlord would choose the latter. So brace yourself for an exhausting search process.

No idea why is everyone recommending the one at Wiener Platz, had my worst experience there, it was just insanely overcrowded, the density of tables was too high.

Waldwirtschaft is very good on the other hand. Also, a more classical option would be Seehaus - I assume you are going to visit the English garden anyways.

200 euro per month for food with the current prices in Munich does not seem to be realistic

Interestingly the rails itself are very nice and smooth compared to some other countries, but the punctuality and reliability is what really sucks.


Honestly I am tired of this argument, in Ukraine we also didn’t have any Fiber optic at all, it only started appearing around 2008-2009, but it took only 2-3 years to cover all the big cities. The downside of it was that sometimes cables between the houses were laid out in a rather chaotic way, but I had excellent 100 MBit Internet in fucking 2009 in my not that fancy neighbourhood of an Eastern Ukrainian big city. Where there is the will, there is the way to accomplish things quickly.

When I came to Germany back in 2013, I was on the one hand fascinated about how cool the Autobahns and trams were, but on the other hand shocked about the low Internet speed and coverage.

There is an old Soviet joke. Brezhnev and Raegan went out racing each other, Raegan won, next day headlines in Pravda: “Comrade Brezhnev ended up just 2nd, while Raegan was embarrassingly next to last”.

If you are into mountains and nature and not in urgent need of building up a social circle - you will like it here. But if you need real big city life, avoid this place even if it might look like a big city on paper, you will get miserable here especially if you are a foreigner.


Your impression is realistic. The fact that Munich has English garden is an excuse for this city government to not care about making any other public spaces interesting. Public spaces in Munich are boring and minimalistic, the central Isar promenades are embarrassingly rundown with nothing to offer except from a couple of dirty broken benches from the 80s, on top of that in the last couple of years the city has given up on removing graffiti from the historical bridges and monuments, so it contributes into making this city look less tidy.

With the train stations it is a country-wide problem, once you cross the border to Austria it becomes night and day (but their trains are mostly older).

Diese Menschen zahlen auch mehr Steuer, die man auch für mehr Mülleimer und Straßenreinigung einsetzen könnte

Meiner Wahrnehmung nach hat es so gegen 2019 angefangen, den Bach runterzugehen. Mittlerweile ist sogar ein bisschen besser geworden als vor einem Jahr (es gibt z.B. mehr Mülleimer, aber für so eine Stadt trotzdem viel zu wenig), aber manche Brennpunkte sind so gut wie verloren, und keiner kümmert sich darum. Die Fußgängerzone um den Stachus herum wird abends zu einem Shithole, und diese inkompetente Stadt schafft's nicht einmal, eine modernere und stärkere Beleuchtung da zu installieren (das ist übrigens ein Problem für die ganze Stadt, 80% der Straßenleuchten in München gehören ins Museum, es ist in keiner anderen europäischen Millionenstadt abends so dunkel und depressiv wie hier). Graffiti an den Brücken und Mauern werden auch seit ein paar Jahren nicht mehr entfernt. Aber dem OB Reirter ist gefühlt alles egal, und die Grünen haben sowieso andere Prioritäten.

Ach ja, dazu noch die S-Bahn Stammstrecke, sie ist so runtergekommen dass sie gerne diese ganze Entwicklungshilfe gebraucht hätte die wir an China überweisen :)