Hi everyone,

I’m interested to get other peoples perspective on this. My partner and I are in our thirties, have good jobs and no kids. We’ve been looking to invest in buying a property here and needless to say….its just astonishing how expensive property in Munich is.

To a certain extent, I get it. Munich is beautiful, safe, has great career prospects for a lot of people and is fantastically located. But I just cannot see how anyone here can afford to buy a place unless you are willing to spend 5-700,000 on a shit-hole that needs another 100,000 doing up, or you have family money?

It gets to a point where I start to question what future we will have in this city. We want to be home owners and we don’t want rent forever, especially as our landlord is a pain. But we just cannot compete in this market. We viewed an apartment to buy last week at an open viewing and overheard an older couple say to the broker ‘would you accept a full cash payment?’

I’m really intrigued as to what other people with similar positions to us think about their future. Will you leave Munich? Will you stay?
