Basically this. Respect the rules, drive at a moderate pace, stick to the right if you’re having a bad pace or are feeling anxious and signal that someone can pass you. Always check your mirrors to see who and how fast someone is coming up behind you. 

I think the most important thing is if you have someone coming fast from behind. Dont panic and brake and then move to the right. Just politely move to the right and signal, so the person passing is also confident they can do so. 

Bin ich einfach nur dumm und sehe das nicht?

Ist es möglich, eine Benachrichtigung zu erhalten, wenn es wieder verfügbar ist?

Need Advice on Dual-Purpose Chair for Small ApartmentLooking for

Hey everyone,

I need to work from home a couple of times a month, but my apartment is small and lacks a dedicated workspace. I can use my kitchen table, outdoor table, and couch for work. But most likely it would be the kitchen table.

I'm looking for a chair that's comfortable and ergonomic enough to double as an office chair and kitchen table chair. I don't have space for a proper office setup with a monitor and standing desk.

Also, I would need at least 2 to match :)

Any suggestions? Thanks!


Hat jemand das bei OBI erhältliche Klimagerät irgendwo gesehen?

Online gibt es einige Geschäfte, aber beim Auschecken scheitert es.

No supporting the overpriced furnished rooms, but no kitchen has always been bs to me as well.

People will hate driving enough to stop haha.


TL;DR: Stupidity at it's finest.

As someone who enjoys cars, public transportation, and biking, I believe there's a place and time for each. This post isn't about being for or against cars; it's about questioning the effectiveness of a new policy.

The idea of reducing speed limits to 30km/h for cleaner air seems misguided. Whoever proposed that 30km/h is the optimal speed for cars, particularly those that are 5-10 years old, to be more efficient than 50km/h, might not have fully considered the practical implications. This reduction in speed limit could actually be counterproductive for several reasons.

First, addressing emissions at the source would be more effective. However, proposing a ban on cars older than a certain year or completely banning diesel vehicles is not currently feasible. Many businesses rely on diesel for freight, and such measures would likely cause significant disruption.

A silly example I had was when smoking indoors was allowed. Telling people they could only smoke if they smoked slower wouldn’t have addressed the core issue. Similarly, simply slowing down traffic doesn't effectively tackle the problem of emissions.

I struggle to find any substantial benefits to this new speed limit. The only potential advantage might be that it discourages driving, pushing more people to use public transportation or other means, thus reducing the number of cars on the road. However, this benefit seems minimal compared to the drawbacks.


Increased Pollution: Contrary to the goal, this policy might lead to higher levels of pollution from brake dust, tire wear, and emissions due to the inefficient operation of vehicles at lower speeds.

Driver Stress and Misery: Driving at such a slow speed can be frustrating and stressful, particularly in urban areas where traffic is already dense.

Higher Risk of Accidents: The sudden changes in speed limits, from 60 to 50 and then to 30, can catch drivers off guard, especially those unfamiliar with the area, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Increased Traffic Congestion: Lower speed limits can lead to more congestion, as cars move more slowly through the city, potentially causing longer travel times and higher overall emissions.

I think this is so important. As well as teaching mental health and how to deal and take care of it from a young age. 

It’s like if you’re pretty good at guitar or skiing but you just want to get that technique down even better from a professional. 

“I think im  good at very good at solving most of my problems but I just have this one thing that really bothers me” 

Let me give an example. “Life is pretty good right now but when I get on a plane I have extreme anxiety”. How can I deal with this? This is just one irrational fear. While some other people deal with heightened symptoms of mental illnesses but are not aware due to trauma or stress. 

Another one would be “I feel pretty good and even though I am happy work is sometimes stressing me out but I don’t know why”. A therapist can help you resolve this. I also guarantee if you have a stressor or trauma in life it definitely affects you or others around you. 

Just because you feel good does not mean you don’t need therapy or therapy wouldn’t help. Also, this tells me that you think therapy means something is wrong with you. Correct me if I am wrong but anyway. It’s usually the case because people had significant trauma or issues where now their mental state interferes with their daily life. 

It’s just usually it doesn’t get bad enough where people think they would need therapy as well as a stigma that something is wrong with you if you go to therapy. 

When companies bring in coaches for their management employees on how to behave and treat situations and people. This is also a form of therapy. 

I kind of rambled on here but I hope you get the point. 

Buying a car really depends on your reasons. If you're purchasing just for the badge, the excitement might wear off quickly, leaving you wanting something newer or better. For instance, I wouldn't buy an older Porsche Boxster simply because it's a Porsche. But if status is important is importantly for the foolish eye, then go for it. There are way better ways to spend your money. 

Take BMWs, for example. German cars often have those premium touches—like the satisfying sound and smooth action of their windows. However, there's a big difference between a base model and an M series. If you think a base BMW is impressive, there are other cars that might offer more value for your money. The M series, on the other hand, is designed for driving enthusiasts and track use.

In the end, it's all about priorities. If buying a certain car makes you happy and you're doing it for yourself, then that's what matters most. 

And that’s ok. Forcing yourself to cry might help but it’s not that crying for a multiple amount of times will cure what you are feeling. It’s not an on/off switch. I believe you when you struggle with the feelings but they are part of the process. Trying to make them go away or ignoring them only prolongs the situation and can even intensify it. The tricky thing is you don’t have so much control over it and want to solve it oh so bad. The fact that you can’t is the reason to accept it because that’s the only thing you can do.

It can be as simple as “what I am feeling is ok and even though I can’t do anything about it directly, I know it’s just temporary.” There is a difference in just saying or thinking this and truly believing it. There are other techniques but this is the basis of it.

Anxiety, depression, and other emotions will try to fool you sucking you back in that it’s an eternity of pain and no hope. Think about where you were 6 months ago and now. I’m definitely hoping it’s gotten better and the episodes are not as strong. You even said you can have an ok day.

It takes a whole learning and healing process. There is therapy and medication and there is nothing wrong with using either or both.

To be honest you don’t fight them. You need accept them. It’s just ok if they are there. I know it’s probably hard and take a lot of work but you need to feel the feelings and emotion. The more you suppress it the longer and more it sticks around for. 

While I understand your frustration. 

I think it’s just bad luck with your situation and I don’t know a manufacturer that would do emergencies. 

As for the support. I think it’s lame they couldn’t get you a part from another store to where you are even let’s say if you needed to pay shipping. Pretty lame. 

Oh wow using the “Ami go home” slogan. 

I guess it would be better if the Russians come knocking. 

Anyway. It’s sad how easily during troubling times people can be easily corrupted and manipulated with propaganda. 

It’s comfy to sit and cuddle up for a long time?

Vimle sofa bed, good for sitting or is there something better?Suggestion

I want to get a “proper pull out” sofa for those weekends when friends and family stay over. But its primary purpose will be for sitting 90% of the year. I can only fit a 2-er in the space. Was thinking about the Vimle, I like the comfort and softness of Kivik but the Vimle pull out is definitely harder after trying out quickly in store.

The sleeping part is fine for a weekend, it’s also not amazing where I would love to sleep on it everyday but it’s a lot better than the couches that reuse the cushions and fold over.

I know the rule of thumb is a sofa is for sitting and a bed is for sleeping. Unfortunately space wise I cannot have both.

Is Vimle the best bet? Opinions and suggestions are totally welcome.



I think in general I wouldn’t like being hit by a bicycle haha. I never said you said it’s fine.

I agree I don’t think it’s fair as you don’t need a drivers license for an e scooter or bicycle. Yet when drinking it’s treated the same way. Bikes with the higher tolerance. But those are the laws.

I don’t think people should have 4 maß at Oktoberfest and walk the streets because they aren’t capable to function as pedestrians. Yet this is fine.

There’s a few reasons while you can disagree. You can hurt either yourself or someone physically/emotionally. How would you feel as a driver hitting a drunk person crossing the street illegally on a scooter. I would be traumatized regardless if it was your fault. 

They also assume if you would drink and drive on a scooter you are also more likely to do it in a car. It’s the kind of a mentality where it’s like „ah it was only x amount of drinks“

Are you from the EU?

Did you opt for the blood test? Usually they give you the option. For example if you just had a shot the breathalyzer will most likely show a higher amount than in BAC. 

Was the blood test result confirmed or you don’t know yet what the outcome is? 

Either way if it’s below 1.1 it’s about 530€ fine license ban for 1 month and 2 points in Flensburg which applies to German drivers licenses. Otherwise known as a „slap on the wrist“ and really if you drink and drive again anything after this, you are really stupid. 

Not sure what they do about other EU citizens and driver licenses. In Germany it’s over 1.1 you lose your license entirely and need to do a psych test in order to get your license back. Plus the additional court and lawyer fees if you opt for one.  But most likely for tourists they’ll just try and get the money from you. 

I know people from the US that this happened to during Oktoberfest, surprise surprise. They basically did nothing with the letter that came in the mail to their US home. Most likely if they visit Germany again they will be flagged but this is also not confirmed. 

First I want to say is you are writing so much trash based on whatever your emotion about the housing market is. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Houses are taxed when bought and sold again and again. They also pay for property tax every year or something.  Landlords also need to pay tax on income from rent. The higher you charge, the more tax you pay depending on other incomes. Of course you earn a bit more but you pay a lot more. 

I’m confused what you mean by tax it 10%? You want this every year or something?

There are a lot of old people struggling in retirement with and without property. Just because you own something doesn’t mean you live for free. They still need to pay maintenance and other living costs. 

I think the real issue that lies here is people owning more than they need. I think owning one property where you personally live in or if you decide to rent it out while going travelling or living abroad is fine. It’s when you have 5 or a whole building. This should be taxed significantly regardless of how it was acquired through inheritance or whatever. Unless they are offering their building for affordable housing which is usually not the case. 

Your point about buying while houses were „cheap“. I don’t really think it was ever cheap. It’s was just cheaper compared to now. Low interest rates drove prices up. Now the interest rates are around 4% and you can see property dropping even 20% in some popular cities. The cost of materials and the worth of currency due to inflation has caused this for new builds and existing builds. The trades need to get paid more as well for building or renovating. 

I think you should do research about the facts rather than saying housing is a pyramid scheme.