Also, if we're gonna have a 3rd party president, that is the last step.

You need allies in congress to get anything done, 3rd parties have next to none.

You want a thriving 3rd party? VOTE IN THE PRIMARIES and get out into your community to do the work.

Omg I can't even see my comment I just posted 🤣

Fuckin reddit.

It could happen here!

Because it is. I can't see any of the 4 comments (as of mine) that are posted.

god honouring botulism poisoning

Especially if they were made with beef tallow.

Something something god ordained free speech for me, shut the fuck up forever for thee.

Thanks, I hate it.

god honouring botulism poisoning

Maybe, but she'll only deconstruct for her I think. She'll still hold dogshit views about everyone else

I think this is where she's already at, lol. Very much the "rules for thee but not for me" judgy shit.

god honouring botulism poisoning

Tbh I think she's the most likely to deconstruct because her life struggles didn't make her double down on the trad shit the way others (Bort, Anna) have and I think a lot of us are just hungry for a proper redemption arc.

This being said until she actually renounces white supremacy, fuck her and the bar remains in hell.

Too busy in a library, reading books with dust on them :books:

It's way better here than the snark sub but I agree. I've seen some people here say really shitty things about autistic people and it's so frustrating.

god honouring botulism poisoning

The book of Moooooooooooooooorm the book of Moooooooooooooooormonnnnnnn.

Hello!!!! 🎵

Too busy in a library, reading books with dust on them :books:

Same tbh :( she mentioned she liked his show and I went "Holly no" out loud.

Too busy in a library, reading books with dust on them :books:

I think there are a lot of us who relate to Holly because she's obviously neurodivergent if you know ANYTHING about autism. It was honestly nice seeing someone just as socially awkward and oblivious to social cues on TV. Made me feel less alone and crazy.

I had to laugh when I saw someone on this sub talking about how Holly shouldn't talk about how being rude is considered an autism thing. We get called rude constantly, it's part of the damn evaluation to get diagnosed, but it's apparently only okay for people who aren't autistic to say that 🙄

My turn to ramble dump 😅 I'm just glad you're feeling like you can talk about this!!

Too busy in a library, reading books with dust on them :books:

You are not wrong 🤣 her taste in men is just painful and I hope one day she stops dating fuckboys.

Too busy in a library, reading books with dust on them :books:

Agreed. Enjoy your snark and leave us be, thanks!

god honouring botulism poisoning

You simply won't believe how much this book will change your life!

Too busy in a library, reading books with dust on them :books:

Yup! If they don't like it ...maybe they should do the bare minimum and properly blur out usernames. It's not hard.


god honouring botulism poisoning


Too busy in a library, reading books with dust on them :books:

It's the E boards all over again and I don't think some of the folks there get the no brigading thing is Reddit TOS rules, lol. But no, apparently you're a dictator 🤣

Too busy in a library, reading books with dust on them :books:

Most snark subs don't go out of their way to slag off other users! It's a weird level of toxic I genuinely can't understand.

Shout out to my fellow fundiesnarkers btw :)

Too busy in a library, reading books with dust on them :books:

Appreciate this.

I haven't wanted to participate in a lot of discussions in this sub because I don't want what I said screenshotted for people to harass because apparently "I'm in a cult" for not joining in on the hate circle jerk.

I'll side eye Holly for her Rogan love any day, but making multiple posts about how she can't be autistic for....struggling with social norms....hurts all autistic people. Especially those of us who are late diagnosed.

This article is terrible HOWEVER keeping an eye on bird flu is important. There is a good chance H5N1 will be the next pandemic.

Op-ed from an epidemiologist in the BMJ (British Medical Journal):
Should we worry about a growing threat from “bird flu”?

Cats being vulnerable to bird flu is just another reason why you should keep your cat inside tbh.

They're calling for the death penalty for people who sexually abuse children while explicitly calling all trans people "pornographic child predators".

Not fact stretching. Not sure how you don't see this, it's pretty blatant.