I hate getting haircuts, but with wavy hair, I like to have layers. I’m not comfortable cutting them myself so I get a trim with layers added every 4-6 months. I have to get regular haircuts to keep the shape I like my hair to have

Soo many sprawls in fuel! I think it messed up my back a little bit too

You’re probably just not used to it yet! Your forehead doesn’t look big

Having my tea or coffee in the morning, enjoying the early morning sun beaming through the window

Plus they said they don’t drink anything else. No water?!

Yes! I can’t fathom how people just do nothing while high? My brain is just like “go, go, go!”


I like the look of the Eddie Bauer Cairn boots for this reason. But I don’t own them so I can’t comment on how comfortable or functional they are.

Edit: wow I can’t believe how much hate this post is getting! Some people just prefer neutral colors. Plus, they match with anything! I’m with you OP, I don’t like when my shoes have several different colors or even a few colorful accents. It’s also okay to prefer colorful shoes! 

Definitely blue. It matches some of the other floral/greenery themes you have going on in the room and the colors match better. There isn’t much other red on the room to pull in the red pillow so it clashes

I work in inpatient clinical nutrition and I love it because my schedule is so flexible (including work from home occasionally when needed), however this will likely depend on your supervisor. 

I’m also much happier working directly with patients as I do feel like I’m at least making some difference (although lots of people don’t care what I have to say) but I’m much happier than if I was in an office type job where I’m just working for the corporation

I mean, you don’t have to eat them? White potatoes are very similar nutritionally. Also, I wouldn’t recommend eating ONLY a sweet potato for dinner as that isn’t a very balanced meal

I don’t think porn itself is the problem, but rather his relationship with it and the way he handled this situation. And saying that sex is “nothing meaningful to men” is absolutely not true. Maybe it’s not meaningful to him because he’s addicted to porn 🤷‍♀️

Maybe it’s just me but I feel like the gallery wall clashes with the wallpaper. Like it’s too busy and the styles don’t match?

I would choose one or the other or maybe do an accent wall paper and gallery photos on the other wall

I mean, I am fairly active but nothing too crazy honestly. Everyone’s calorie needs are so different though and depend on so many factors so who knows!

I think a lot of the equations we use are very much underestimating actual calorie needs. I’m 5’3” and 125 lb and I have maintained my weight at about 2300 calories. If I followed the 30kcal/kg recommendation (1700 calories) I would be starving constantly. Obviously I am just one example. But also for a very tall person, sometimes the calorie needs come out to around 2000 calories which just seems insanely low to me.

Wait I’m confused. Isn’t blue typically considered a “male” color? The purple one looks more girly to me. Are the twins a boy and a girl?

Why is it called Espresso Martini “Era”? Why era lol? Maybe I’m just getting old 🤣 I can’t understand what the kids are saying these days lol

Also pistachio milk and honey sounds good but the notes are odd. Why shea?

Yes I almost bought it based off the opening! Luckily I didn’t, because later on I kept smelling this awful smell thinking WHAT IS that?? And then realized it was the woody CC drydown everyone had been talking about

LOL!! Yes!!!! Calypso clementine, I’m looking at you! But seriously they have been doing this with so many of their scents lately. I don’t enjoy it, but I wonder if they’re trying to get away from their “seeet, fruity, juvenile” reputation by doing this

I actually didn’t like this one as much, flavor-wise, probably because it has no sugar in it. But health-wise, you can’t beat those simple ingredients!