Yo juego 4k con 6800xt (70FPS ponele)

12.9" iPad Pro

Sometimes is a pending backup and you don't even need to do a wipe. Just tell it to back up now and it might solve when it is finished.

El tema de las antiadherentes es que si las rayás (siempre hay que usar cucharones o espátula plástico/madera, y no sé si lo hago mal pero cuando frío algo me derrite las espátulas de plástico) o se te quema lo que cocinas se quema el teflon y te queda en la comida o larga vapores tóxicos. Por ahí a vos no te jode el riesgo de cáncer pero ponele si tenés pájaros de mascota y lo respiran se te pueden morir en el momento.

I don’t put limits in my free time, it is for doing whatever I want.


You have to take him to the vet but he will be fine if you don’t take him today.

At first I thought the problem was that he had two heads lol

12.9" iPad Pro

My final straw would be switching my gaming PC for a console and leaving my programmer job, that would make it my laptop replacement since I wouldn’t have any other computer in the house.

No, lo peor que le podés preguntar a una mina enojada es “Estás indispuesta?”

M1 iPad Pro 12.9" (2021)

Don’t throw it to the trash, it will set on fire when compresses and it sometimes turns the truck on fire too. Ask a tech store where you can dispose of it, in the meantime you can put it in a container with sand, outside.

Think it this way, you look at the screen when you use a mouse, not your hand. The intuos does the same, it moves the cursor.


I bought an iPad Pro 12.9 for the same reason. I work at home so I spend 8hs sitting in my computer and I wanted to draw in the living room to have some separation from work. I ended up recovering the money with the commissions.

I still have my wacom but it has been collecting dust since then.

At first I had buyer’s regret because I missed Krita and drawing on a display was uncomfortable. But I got used to it after getting an Elecom paper textured screen protector (remember buying apple pencil tips if you are going to get something like that, becase they start to flatten on the side you use the most). When the screen protector had too much scratches I removed it and I’ve been using the iPad without one since then (the colors look better).

A los menores no se les hace cirugía creo, sino que se hace el tratamiento hormonal. Con las mujeres funciona re bien, pero si te arrepentís y dejás el vello y barba te sigue creciendo igual.

R5 7600 | RX 6800XT | 32GB DDR5

I was looking for that video lol


Used my bard’s silver tongue 👀


I just barded my way to Myrkul, so my health was full. I didn’t even know people had to fight Ketheric until I read comments.

I have three franchise zoos because I’m still learning to build stuff. I send animals from old zoos to the new one to save money.

Be aware that any kind of protector with paper texture makes the display look grainy and dulls the colors a bit. Check brands like Elecom and ESR, they have magnetic ones that can be removed and reapplied whenever you want.

12.9" iPad Pro

I use spigen ez fit on my M1. The protectors come with an alignment tray so they are really easy to apply, perfect for the obsessive.

Pregunta desde la ignorancia, si estás muy mal no te mandan a hacer enemas? me acuerdo una en reddit que tenía un problema así y se los hacía el marido. No sé si tienen contraindicaciones.

Ya le hicieron test para ver si es celíaca?


Anda para el orto el sistema, somos varios acá reclamando (algunos ya recuperaron la guita). Aunque el caso de mi post es porque el sistema te sigue generando impuestos cuando pagás dólares antes del cierre (antes se avivaba y no los imprimía) y algunos bancos te los devuelven manualmente y otros te tiran el sistema es Dios.

12.9" iPad Pro

If he bought paperlike it means he wanted a protector that feels like paper, so my guess is that he would want the Spigen Papertouch Ez Fit

Seeing the reviews it seems he would experience the same problem. I don't think it is possible to add texture without adding noise.

Paper like feel doesn’t make up for the deterioration in image quality with this screen protector. For comparison, my non-OLED iPhone 10 looked better than my 2024 iPad Pro OLED screen after installing this product. The 2 star review only applies to the display resolution which is not mentioned on the website or under product features. Had I known I would have gone another route.

The overall product quality and durability seem good Read LessRead less about review stating Paper like feel SIGNIFICANTLY reduces image quality

12.9" iPad Pro

Even for the paper textured one? (I only tried the regular one, it is awesome, I use it on my iPhone and iPad and bought more for all my family members).

12.9" iPad Pro

I remember it doing the same with my retina iPad Pro 2018, but I didn't notice the difference in quality and how grainy it made everything look (which makes sense, since it is sandpaper) until I removed it.