In an interview, Brazile said that her reaction to the calls that she has been getting since the debate with people inquiring about other candidates is: “How the f**k are you going to put all these white people ahead of Kamala?”

I’d love to see how Trump’s team could spin that into how much democrats only care about the African American vote, not the people.

It was just a sore throat!!! The dude is behind closed doors explaining number theory while playing blindfold chess against grandmasters.

The left can try to cope and lie to themselves all they want. The rest of the world (which includes our enemies) saw that shit.

Like John Stewart said…PLEASE show us some of these videos where he is so sharp.

We’ve seen our share videos where he is decent with a teleprompter, but QUICKLY falls apart when he goes off script.

if you sort the comments by "controversial" you'll see the few right-leaning people willing to ignore being downvoted to hell, and potentially banned.

Between this and the “very fine people,” it looks like Snopes is doing some housekeeping. Let’s see what else they finally decide to correct several years after the fact.

Also, who’s pulling the strings over there, and why did they decide to finally be somewhat credible?

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

Well, men don’t have much control over dick size or height, so all they can hope for is that they meet women who aren’t fixated on those things.

I gotchu bruh

Been on CNBC’s page for the whole duration. Don’t tell that to Snopes tho.

The worst part is that the video has been out this whole time.

In that very conference, he even says “and I’m not talking about the white supremacists or the Neo-Nazis. They should be condemned totally.”

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

You’re looking it’s from the wrong perspective.

I’m talking about actual interactions with the opposite sex.

A “ducks in a row” person isn’t likely to be up-to-speed on social cues and the nuances that actually land you a relationship. It also doesn’t clue you into red flags that will lead to the downfall of the relationship.

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

So some 32 year old with -zero- dating experience, but his shit is together? What do you think that will look like?

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

And how old do you think the average person is before they have their shit together?

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

There will be significantly more apartment living. As of right now, the national interest rate for home loans is 6.74%, and the consumer price index is still about 20% above where it was pre-Covid..

On top of that, buying a house is a pretty large commitment, and it’s much easier to break a lease. I couldn’t see these younger people getting a house unless they are married, and we all know that marriage rates have been on the decline for quite a while.

Cost of living was a lot different during the boomer era, and we have had stagnant wages for a while. 23 states in the US don’t even break a $10 minimum wage. You need at least $12/hour to net 20k a year, which will have you living hand-to-mouth. 2 cars? The average payment on a car right now is $700, and the used car market has been pretty bad lately.

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

Yeah I disagree with this. There’s nothing inherently wrong with dating and figuring out what you want in a relationship in your high school/college years. That said you should be managing your expectations seeing how both people involved will likely be broke.

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

The frequency of that attraction doesn’t negate the existence of said attraction or whether or not it’s “real.”

Women outearn men until they hit roughly their 30s and then they want to start having families.

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

If you’re getting semi-consistent sex, it’s probably good enough.

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

“All-encompassing” is nonsense because people can be attracted to some aspects of you and while not attracted to others. I’m pointing out fetishes because they encompass a myriad of ways that someone can be attracted to physical attributes/behavior.

Hobosexuals are generally women. Full stop. Women can actually fuck their ways into a place to live, while men will end up homeless. You’d be hard pressed to find a woman that’s willing to take in and house a man that’s a loser.

I never said women don’t care about looks. You clearly just ignored the part where I said “the hot broke asshole is still hot.”

How about you define “real attraction” because that is the crux of the nonsense you’re spewing.

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

Considering all the fetishes that there are, how is this “not real?”

Generally speaking, men are -not- attracted to money/status, and honestly I think women are generally attracted to the lifestyle/security that money provides and the social proof that status provides. However, attraction is still attraction, and I don’t think it’s manufactured either.

I also think that you have to consider that attraction is multifaceted. The hot broke asshole is still hot. Also, it seems like every woman has her complete douchebag ex-boyfriend. So whether she learned about his flaws earlier or later, those flaws were still there.

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

I have had much more success following tenants of RP and PUA than any of the BP “be nice” and “just be yourself” tripe.

“Michael’s Story” should be required reading for every male high school senior.

Air Force bootcamp is 2 months long. That’s 2 months worth of pay, and you won’t be spending that money on anything. Funny thing is a lot of new service members join without a dollar to their names.

What kind of security do you need? You have a paycheck, 3 meals a day, a barrack to live in, free medical, and free gym access, and plenty of other resources all while learning a new skill.

Trump campaign officials said the candidate raised more than $50 million in the first 36 hours after the verdict, much of it from first-time donors.

I read/heard somewhere that something like 30% of his donors are first timers.

I was half-tempted to donate myself, but I’ll just be sure to vote for him and call it a day.

Fatty Fat Neck Beard Man

Right…within the range. if it’s BELOW that range, that’s a bad thing.