What would your reaction be if someone came in and asked for a decaf with just ice in it, no sugar or syrup?

Starbucks: You know you love it when we get your name wrong!

AKA the Uniparty (according to Margarine Taylor Greene)

Apollo 11 landing on the moon, had just turned 5. That's why I'm a space nerd.

I wonder if any of them are still waiting in Dallas for JFK and JFK Jr to come back from the dead.

Genesis "Waltz" (Foxtrot)

Pink Floyd's "The Door" (The Wall)

Journey "Staying Here For A While" (Escape)

Kraftwerk "Einfahrten" (German for driveways) (Autobahn)

Borrowed from George Carlin...

"Push all of the pedals, maybe one of them means go!!"

Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop-Ba-Dop-Bop) by Scatman John.

Getting to bed, 5am is coming up soon. Going birding in a swamp

When I was active with the local Relay For Life, I used to enter most of the raffles they had, and every year I did, I won something. Biggest prize I won was a 2 night hotel stay.

We have remained friends, even through both of us getting married. We met in 1984 and dated several months. I moved because of the Navy, we realized it wasn't going to work out so we broke it off.

Car warranty companies that advertise via TV. Don't call them, unless you want to be spammed for months after.

Make sure your TV is set to the proper input. When you switch inputs, you may need to pause a few seconds before going to the next.

He tried to prove that nothing would happen to you when peeing on the third rail at the subway station.

He was shocked when it did.

Oh I did...there were some shenanigans during and right after the game, which the Admirals won, of course (6-3). If they win Saturday night, they advance to the next round.

We'll get plenty of speed in this Robin Reliant.

A local band in the 90s did a song called "I Drive A Yugo". Band's name is Left Wing Fascists. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=doEbegBPYDk&pp=ygUOSSBkcml2ZSBhIHl1Z28%3D

WIBAJ (Would I be a jerk) if I wore a Russian hockey jersey to a game?

I have a Russian hockey jersey found at a local thrift store in the late 90s (looks like a custom job because it has Pavel Bure's name in English and his number with Vancouver (10) on the back, but it's a Russian Penguins jersey and I'm not familiar with him being on that team). I haven't gone to the local team's (Norfolk Admirals, ECHL) games very much lately, due to financial and more recently medical issues. When I have been, I've worn this jersey, and even have had it noticed by a few of the players. The Admirals are in the playoffs for the first time in 10 years, so of course I'm going to a game. However, given what's been going on in the world, should I wear something else for a jersey? I do have another option (Red Wings).