Eventually, demographic shifts will force the Republicans to shift left. It's an open question as to how many elections we'll have to fend off with the country on the line before that happens.

Yeah, we've had our cats eat right out of the tuna can a bunch of times, and they've never cut themselves.

Trump was attempting to through gradual, peaceful, and technically-if-you-squint-it-could-maybe-be-basically legal means.

Bro, what?

Goddamn it. Privatize, deregulate, cut taxes, I'm so tired of it. I do support capitalism, but it needs guard rails. I'm trying to get my parents to understand that.

2009 Corvette

Yeah, if I had a single car, it would absolutely be hybrid or plug-in. Or, well, gas.

This is an unavoidable side effect of everyone on the globe being connected. Even if only a tiny percentage are inclined to be creepy fuckers, when millions and millions and millions of people are involved...

2009 Corvette

okay, no touch boosties, got it

...but imma touch tha boosties though

Inclusive or: at least one, can be either, can be both 

Exclusive or: at least one, but ONLY one. Cannot be both.

I think 'or's are generally assumed to be inclusive unless otherwise specified, although maybe I'm biased with my programming background where that is definitely true. It sounds like your default assumption is that ors are exclusive. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ In any case, I think it's often ambiguous in colloquial English.

You have to spend at least five figures on a safe embedded in cement before you can be fully absolved. Well, assuming you also have each gun in it's own locked case within the safe, with the firing pins swapped out for pins that are filed down so that the gun won't shoot.

lazy crooks, etc are easily defeated by metal box. Use it.

I do, it's called my front door.

Also, I never have kids over, and I know my friends.

If that's your concern, you can just use the free/cheap cable locks.

I secure them by locking my front door, same as for all my other possessions.

It can also be reasonable enough to have an "unsecure" gun depending on a person's specific situation.

I only have two guns (for now...), and no kids or unknown adults ever in my 1-bedroom apartment, so personally I'm not gonna bother with a safe. If someone breaks into my place, the guns are likely not at the top of my concerns.

Appreciate the photo, although that's not a tank. It's closer to those armored trucks used to transport cash.