I've used tape a mirror a steel plate no luck. I was told to take it apart and disconnect. Sadly I can't do that so I just tell ppl leave the tv on I'll turn it off when I get a chance.

I hate this. You think they would fix this but oh no. I have 2 TV's Samsung and the g9 OLED it's really horrible. Looking forward to replace one of the TV's this black Friday because of this. Samsung doesn't care.

Jokes on them I'm back playing D2r

Isn't the dz dead most pvp players left awhile ago

If I were you I'd run in and pop them caches to get exotic components to level up the guns

git gud it's a feature. You must prove yourself before you log in. How does Ubisoft and dev team know you are loyal if you leave with the first sign of trouble. You must eat ubisoft and sleep/bleed the division

I though that was a fire wire port jaja

Can confirm I paid 6 months in advance no prior rental references and only because I paid 6 months up front was allowed to rent.

Slap an OSHA approved sticker on that bad boy

It's not Cronus it's something way worse

Federal reserve look that up son. That's what ruined America. Next time you take that one dollar you have out of your pocket, that you have been dreading to spend ... take a look at it. Federal reserve ruined America.

Calm down Karen. Just saying ppl find a way. Get that thru your thick head. I mean look at the bankers and how America has literally gone to shit. Ppl find a way. They just need the right motivation.

Guy just has too many demons. His dad went thru the same thing. Wouldn't be surprised if him being too critical. But he realized the motivation is gone and instead of selling out just quit ahead.

Like I said one will always find a way. If picking it up is not an option id cut right thru that with a torch or break the cement around and cut the bolt underneath. Just depends how bad you want it.

Finally someone posted this Masterpiece. Love it 😻 😘 Vegeta has always been bland 🗑️

Ok but when you do the same thing in krampus you don't get banned. To be honest I really dgaf. Get banned or don't. There's a reason why ppl pay for things.

Saw a few ppl run scripts and get banned. If you inject you need to have certain criteria met. Like if it's a vehicle speed script you need a vehicle first. If you inject before you will get banned.

You should watch the Bojack movie. Bro instant transmissions to save his son.

Doors are there you can clearly see the hinges. They just took the entry door.

Yes change the difficulty. Also have answer the call always on. Just make sure you have a healer build, DPS, sniper, tank build. It will be obvious which one you need at the time.

Rogue :Rogue:

Mouse key board macro under 30 minutes they will all be open. If you scroll left to previous menu then hold button and go back to chest menu and click to open it will almost be open. If you do it really fast you skip so much effects. Like once it opens just go to previous menu and you skip the whole hey this is what you have on by the way you have this already here's 100 textiles. All of that is skipped.

No the boyfriend was jealous the girl was gonna smash, just not with him.