Edit 2: I muted this post. Yall have fun fighting the comments and basing your entire argument on assumptions.

My boyfriend came by last night and arrived shortly after midnight. He pulled into the driveway and parked so I went outside to chat at his car before we went inside.

We were just standing there talking and suddenly we hear the front door slam open followed by running and the sound of a guns being cocked. My mom's boyfriend had woke up my brother and just said "get your gun and hurry outside" before even knowing who was there. Both of them sprinted at us pointing loaded guns ready to fire. They couldn't see our faces in the dark and the boyfriend almost had both of us killed. My brother never knew what was going on and had assumed something bad was happening or had already happened.

The thing is, I walked past him going outside and saying on the phone "I'm on my way to your car now".

After we called out and they realized who we were he started laughing like it was just a cute little mix up. He was about to kill us with no questions asked and without seeing who he was killing. I don't even feel comfortable with him being at our house anymore because now I'm terrified he's going to accidentally kill us with his paranoia.

Edit: Nobody mentioned in this post (Me, my boyfriend, my brother, and my mom's boyfriend) lives at this house. We were all visiting my mother. For some reason half of yall were more pissed off about a young adult (24) living at home still than another GUEST trying to kill me at my own mother's house. Even if I was living with my mother, yall are stupid as fuck shaming someone for staying home during a housing crisis when prices for both home ownership and rent are rising faster than yeasted dough.

Some of yall are genuinely stupid as hell. I tell yall that not only did her boyfriend know I had just gone outside because we were in the same room when I went out AND was on the phone with my boyfriend telling him I was on my way out to his car in front of this nut job and yall still say it's my fault somehow that this idiot was going to shoot both of us.

Yalls rants make you look stupid by saying he did nothing wrong even after I provide further context. Do you genuinely believe the appropriate response morally and in terms of gun safety is to run out the door with a pistol raised in complete darkness pointed at someone who you can't even see clearly just for driving into your driveway? Yall are as stupid as him. There is no defense against wanting to murder someone for driving their care into your driveway. There was no threat and he had no reason to "defend" himself. Yall are the same as the mfs who quiver at the thought of one day being able to shoot someone to live out some insane hero fantasy.

I pray to God none of you have families because you act like you'd do this exact same thing and end up murdering your own child if they stepped outside the door at night. Paranoid freaks.