Iv watched on repeat and im feeling the joy!!

My dog tries to do this with my cat. Cat has zero interest!

Great idea Get her in team sports like rugby and have her understanding her actions have consequences. She fouls up she gets retribution

This is perfect. Get a supersoaker and tell her to cool off

Me too! Me and my mum look exactly like her except mum now 5'6 (was 5'8 shes 65) I'm 5'11

I write mine in whatsapp chat then forget who

Sit on the floor and have an existential crisis about needing to do anything. Find socks? Make a cup of tea? Spin out and stare at nothing for an hour whilst the monkeys in my brain play tambourines

Actually she isn't but she's determined and Irish and tough as nails! My other nana is 92 and is super fit for her age but shrunken like a mini ninja

I think its more of a habit really. Perhaps sheets did need to be ironed many years back and that is what she knows. It's not a power trip with my grandma its just what she has always done . She is 84 and she takes care of her housework.

My grandmother is 84 and she irons the sheets which I think is silly. But when I stayed with her for a month I still did it because she asked me too. Her house.

Could you maybe send suggested items to them that the kids would like so they can channel their habits into a better outcome?

Is he being rude as he feels guilty and is getting defensive to avoid blame ? My ex did that alot. Nta OP. This is a huge deal abd congratulations.

We just got back from.a week away and had this reaction from our dog. Pure magic

Maybe ask the band or members of your wedding party to be prepared to run interference. Ie start playing or prevent him from talking. No mic access

I could fall asleep instantly in that time and have nearly done so at work many times

My sense of direction could not be more awful and the thought of driving terrifies me. Luckily in live in london UK. But I'm impressed with you and this gives me hope.

Especially where they redistribute the drink abd the boy gives extra back.