I'm 18 and my sister is 16, she constantly yells at me and my mom when something doesn't go her way. Though she does not do this to my mom, when I don't cater to her demands she hits me and screams: "you're not allowed to touch me!" and blocks doorways until I say what she wants. My mom has spent a ton of money on therapy and rehab but my sister keeps saying she doesn't get enough of it and blames her outbursts on the lack of therapy or meds. What sets me off is that I am going off to college in the fall but I don't want my sister to bully my mom and younger brother while I am gone. For example, the other day I drove to a family reunion with her (bought her coffee and everything) and she yelled about my music choice, then yelled about me not respecting her enough. I know she has some problems mentally, but I don't want my brother to pick up on these behaviors of hers and copy them. Sorry for the rant, my life is great rn, I'm just concerned about my brother and need some advice on how to go about this.