Teddy bear Trevor 😭SpoilerLIB SEASON 6

I just want all the good things for that sweet teddy bear of a man! Meanwhile girls are fighting over Jimmy and even Matthew early on?? Whhhat?? I love the women this season but stay away from the red flags! Omg!

Trevor deserved better. Just saying.

DeLuca and O'Malley

I just watched the episode where Andrew doesn't make it and I can't help but see the similarities between him and George. Both died doing something brave/impulsive. Both cared so much for everyone they came in contact with. Both loved Mer so much. I didn't really notice until seeing both of them on the beach with Mer. So similar in so many ways. Obviously I see the differences but does anyone else see that?

I need an update on this... was he reported? Removed from the app? Did you contact the police?

Season 7 thoughts...SpoilerSeason 7 :jason::nicole1::chrishell-1::chelsea:

I can't stand Nicole, she continues to dig her own grave and literally never has anything nice to say. Can we replace her already?

Marie-lou is pointless...jealous and insecure.., why are we even seeing her so much??

I love seeing mary and chrishell close again!

I love bre and chrishell, honestly love bre all the way around.

Emma has grown on me, she's such a ride or die... again love her friendship with chrishell!

Just love chrishell sm

Chelsea I can't decide how I feel about her....

Amanza is unhinged. I normally love her but she's so much this season

It was so nice to see Mary happy and then just heartbreaking watching the rest unfold

I miss heather!

Yep, this is my thought, too! I was waiting and waiting for that bomb to be dropped and then spread like fire, but it never did! I can't believe we made it all season, and still no one else knows!

I'm just so curious...Scandoval
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I love her and her pilates videos on YouTube! She's the best thing to come from love is blind 🙌🏻

I had 2 name tags at one time and let another coworker wear one as a joke. He was like 6'4 200+ lbs and in his early twenties. I am a female 5'5 150lbs and they used his description with my name. He aced the shop and we both died laughing at the description

I think she's beautiful! But when she had her top bun in the last episodes, i couldn't help but think she looked like a troll, like the little troll dolls or from the trolls movies

The amount of time I have bought something just for the buyer to cancel because they don't have it anymore. I ask this frequently. And definitely would not buy from you

THANK YOU! I think she looks uncomfortable because rewatching things is obviously uncomfortable. She said yes and they are still together. Let it go people!

I think watching the conversation between him and zanab was part of what really helped me see that he's just dealing with a lot of trauma. I think in no way should he have gone on the show, he's not ready for a relationship at all. But I don't think that makes him this scary person everyone is talking about. I think barfface and coal are waaaaay more triggering 🤷🏻‍♀️

I have also been really hurt before and had the same feelings/reactions that Matt did early in my relationship, I had a lot of healing to do.

THIS. I feel like Matt is getting a lot of hate for some very real emotions and honestly I think Colleen just wanted someone to not reject her.

unpopular opinion - MattUNPOPULAR OPINION

I don't think Matt is scary. I think Matt was in a very long, very serious relationship that ended terribly and that's all he knows of relationships. Have you ever put all your trust in someone just for them to cheat on you and destroy you along the way? I think Matt has a lot of wounds to heal and a lot of trauma to work through. He's just not ready for a relationship and certainly not marriage. But I don't think that makes him scary or a red flag.

I think Bartise and Cole are walking, scary, ignorant red flags.

I laughed out loud when he asked... like how incredibly awkward? And what woman, especially like Serena, would say yes??

She definitely has hair extensions and better makeup than previous seasons. As much as I can't stand her at least starting last season and finally this season she looks more like she kinda belongs vs so out of place

internet porn vs old school magazinesnsfw

Is saving internet porn to your phone or computer the modern day equivalent of having all those magazines and movies stashed away?


I honestly think Sarah is a prettier version of her physically and I think she hates that! She's so far from "love and light"

Honestly I think she might have heard more than just from Hannah. And I think she feels like if she tells Nathan he's just going to lie to her more and she won't know what to believe. You just hit a point when it's all too much and not worth it anymore.