Matt and Colleen are married. At this point the best thing we can do for them is leave them alone. All this speculation about Matt being abusive is unfounded in my opinion. I feel like a lot of it come's from the one interaction where he's upset at her after the pool. He's obviously very intense during the interaction but he doesn't yell and doesn't really attack her. The dude knows he wasn't this girls first pick and he's been cheated on in a different long term relationship. Obviously he's gunna be insecure and upset when she flirts with another guy while they're engaged (and he doesn't even really know her character). The other thing I've seen is people saying she looks like she's being held hostage in the reunion. Why not just assume she's uncomfortable because she knows she's going to be put on the hot seat about the pool thing and she's ashamed and embarrassed? I'm not the biggest fan of Matt but it seems like Colleen is. Even if it is an abusive relationship (God forbid) it's not like internet sleuths are actually going to do anything about it by speculating. And if they are actually just two happily married adults then the abuse speculations are only going to hurt their marriage.