That's a weird way to describe accidentally squirting on someone while they sleep.

Because there have always been ugly people, and everyone tries to fuck, we try to fuck upward but that also means someone is fucking downward, the result is both ugly and not ugly keep breeding. The theory would be that not ugly fucks more, hence more kids, but attractive is more selective, less range to fuck down acceptably, so ugly wins the quantity game even if the not ugly fucks more they just fuck more with the same selective group.

What are the red dots on his balls called, it's a medical term?

It's like this. If you want to be bossed around call me sir, if you want to be dominated call me master, if you want to be treated like a child call me daddy. Now 90% of girls want daddy, and I'd wager that's just because they want free shit.

If you don't want to hang that means you don't like them that much, I don't think it matters how you say it so long as you do as it would be a favor to them in the long run. Bonus step, be proactive and don't fuck someone you can't stand to spend time with unless fucking.

Pretty simple, opposite action. No matter what I am feeling if it is bad do the opposite of whatever indulging in that feeling is. It's a CBT skill I used to teach kids, and of all the different things I taught them it is the one that seemed to work the most.

Do you care if he flaunts what women want from him? If not then I'd say you are good to go ahead with a serious talk about how you have different boundaries and expectations.

Well, we're all just human after all.

I'd wager they still drop in this sub from time to time and would be more fit to answer that question u/jonathannolan even if the activity is dead the lurk is strong.

I put a lot of effort into avoiding those women, turns out it is nearly impossible.

Easy way to dismiss it. I'm in a very loving relationship and have been a serial monogamist most of my life. That doesn't mean I ignore the reality presented to me.

Because you would dare to incite Reddit as a dating platform.

Don't kid yourself, they are planning on you being their #1 fan, personal loan, sugar daddy, handyman, bodyguard, therapist, tech support, butler, and retirement plan. Also if you haven't figured it out, it doesn't start after 30, it begins after puberty.

Just keep following the river, and you'll find a spot.

9/10 the time it may take to repair makes it not worth it rather than isolating the problem and buying new components. I'd charge about half that price.

My gal hit me with a Forest Gump level comment. "I don't think I know as much as you, but I know something you don't. I know I love you." She a hoe but I think she's a keeper.

I've used a lot of different apps and I still prefer media monkey, the pro version gets unlocked with a desktop gold key which is a nice feature rather than trying to cash grab a lifetime for both.

Nicole has been single so long she forgot to not fuck other dudes too, she gonna get that free meal too.

Well it may sound weird but I work on an allowance system.

1 chore/task = 1 reward

So let's say I workout, in turn I earned an equal amount of fun time, whether that be video games, tv, or whatever. Modern society has us convinced we have to work 5 days a week to enjoy 2, I think a more equal approach is appropriate, so I work 3 days a week, fully relax 1, and have 3 other days of life balance where I further my worth, enjoy family and friends, self-improve, and support others.

This push-pull kind of momentum gets a lot done in an unorthodox way for sure but that routine seems to rub off on a lot of people in my circle and works for them so I know I'm not just a motivated hippy.

This kind of thing happens so often with GoogleFi that I simply cannot recommend it to anyone, and for years. Like I don't understand how it is still around and still has the worst support, and literally goes to battle to blame each and every customer for their own constant fuck ups. They fucked me out of hundreds of dollars despite having screenshots and proof that it was their mistake and all I get back is "This is as intended".

I'd consider myself a bidet snob at this point. You don't need tp like most are suggesting. Most people don't use the bidet long enough, you should be using it for a minimum of 2 minutes, after that just a washcloth or towel to wipe the water away is sufficient. When people tell me the bidet isn't good enough it is usually because they spray for maybe 30 seconds which just gives you a waterlogged shit clay. Also highly recommend a bidet with a oscillating feature, air dry, and heated. I don't have to wipe at all because of these features.