they do it in all their games now. I‘m still into brawlstars but the newest battlepass model is just atrocious

I never used any masterball in any playthrough as I am a hoarder in games.

I think AC valhalla had even worse pacing. At least for me it felt really bad and I couldn’t finish the game.

I had something like that in guild wars. couldn’t get into gw2 though

I‘ve also seen the version of „your mother has 5 children, January, February, March, April. What is the name of the 5th child?“

We have forced marriage counceling centers and women shelters in our country that help with problems like this. Or at least try. Maybe there are similar things in the UK that can help.

I hard disagree with your opinion. BG3 and Elden Ring are both „beginner friendly“ for their genres. Don’t play games before that are way harder to get into like dark souls 3 or divinity original sins 2.

I mean she provides entertainment for a lot of people. I played enough CIV to know that entertainment is important for society.

I have an aunt that lives like 1.5h away and usually we see her once or twice a year. Less when her husband was still alive. I definitely agree, we perceive distance different. But not visiting because of a 40min drive? I highly doubt that’s the real reason.

I loved the campaign and the battle system. even pvp was fun for a while. but the endgame activities just didn’t bring enough for me to keep playing. but I would never say I regretted buying.

I really liked black flag and was hyped when they announced more of it. but all the videos I‘ve seen just indicate it’s not a step up on what they had with bf.

of course it would still exist. insufficient material as well because even if you use that logic, kings can never move into check.

that’s why I have two

I’ve only heard about zodiac sign and ascendant (what you described as rising). They say ascendant shows more later in your life where I live, but still is about your character traits.

no but there is a lot of misinformation about them using AI

do we have confirmation yet that they used AI?

god of war is story driven so I don’t really care much if it‘s similar. I actually think it’s better to have some cohesiveness in a gameseries that is storydriven. and it does expand on enough to keep it interesting

Swiss here. Milk is the default. Yogurt is the upgrade. Swiss out.

I stopped watching LOK in season 2. maybe I should pick it up again to watch season 3 & 4

because that’s the name of the company

there were very few bosses I had to try more than 3-4 times. I didn’t even try to learn their pattern for most of them. the game felt kinda casual after sekiro

or he posted it with internet explorer

I just want fromsoftware to make another sekiro