Actually no, I’ve seen his content, he’s not a classroom teacher but he’s in charge of some kind of program. Don’t remember the details but it sounded like a before/after care type thing

Applicant/Considering PC

I was in a country where you could move out after 6 months, but I would advise you do more research on your country specifically and volunteer living situations there. In some countries it’s very common to have like, multiple homes on a lot or a compound situation - you may be living with a host family the whole time, but almost more as neighbors than anything else.

Trying to come out of a reading slump these last few weeks. Read Bad Summer People while camping. very light, very fun mystery! Didn’t blow my mind but a good beach read type book.

Finished The House Across The Lake last night. Definitely more twists and kept me guessing but…idk about the main big twist. Kind of took me out of the plot a little bit. Still enjoyed it and definitely not predictable. Also loved how it was by no means a slow burn - it jumps right in, which I like.

Looking for more quick mystery reads. Has anyone read the new Lucy Foley yet? I like her books but they’re also a little formulaic, so idk if I want to pick up her latest.

Incredible. Thank you so much, The Real Real, my American girl doll is going to love it

I haven’t worked at a school that actually did it every day in years and years.

You’re actually a genius? Why did I never think of this?

I’m a teacher. During the school year I get to the gym at 5 AM and get to work at 7. Typically I work out for about an hour, an hour and 15 minutes? Then I shower as needed (I usually shower in the sense of rinsing my body every day, but only wash hair once or twice a week), do skincare & makeup, change and go to work from the gym. I don’t do any skin prep before, but I’m also not a super sweaty girl tbh.

Why do you feel weird? I promise it’s not. I felt a little awkward doing it when I started last year (our start times changed so I wasn’t going to have the time to go home and get ready like I used to). Once you do it, you’ll start to notice other women getting ready for work, too.

I would also search over in r/xxfitness, which is a women’s fitness sub. Questions about morning routines and going from the gym to the office or w/e get asked a lot, and people are quite helpful.

Yeah, his wife is lying or he’s an idiot. I’m 5’7” and the last time I weighed 120 was when I had an eating disorder.

Well…what do you mean by “care”? If you mean care as in, are they going to go out of their way to be on top of the kid and make sure their work is done and make sure they’re passing etc etc…then unfortunately, not really. At least not in middle school and up. You can lead a horse to water and all that. I’ll encourage kids, try to keep them on track during class, check in with them, give extra reminders to the students I suspect might have something deeper going on, stuff like that. But at the end of the day, I’m not your mama. If you don’t want to work, I can’t make you, and I won’t waste time trying.

If you mean care on a personal level, as long as the student isn’t an asshole, yeah. Some of my favorite students have also been kids who didn’t complete a single assignment all semester lol. Most teachers early on in their career learn how to differentiate the student as a person vs the student as a student. But a lot of kids who are like that have a chip on their shoulder (for various reasons - that’s another conversation) and will be pretty combative or defiant with their teachers, and that will usually mean teachers disconnecting from you as a person.

I’m 5’7” but yeah, those 4 inches become 1 inch real quick! Something that helped is if you have a hot glue gun or even like caulk (the kind you would use on like, bathroom tiles), put it around the inside edge of the shorts and that gives it a little bit of grip.

As a New Mexican, that portion of the state is culturally quite different than the rest

Remember how much you needed to layer to go to the dawn patrol at balloon fiesta growing up? Long johns under your jeans, sweatshirt and parka and you’d still be freezing. I went last year in just a sweater and regular coat and felt fine.

Literally every married person I know has gone on at least one trip without their spouse in the last year. Your friends are the weird ones

If your student is an ELL (English language learner), your student has the right to specialized TESOL instruction to help them learn. TESOL is a specific type of education that requires specific strategies. Every grade level is supposed to have a teacher that is TESOL certified, or there is a teacher at the school who is who is in charge of pulling kids out for lessons periodically. Every year they take a test called the ACCESS to judge their English proficiency, and once they are designated as proficient, they are no longer required to receive TESOL services.

Different state have different abilities to support ELLs (for example, I live in a Hispanic majority state so being TESOL certified is very common. Idk if you can say the same about like, Montana or other states), but generally it’s very possible your kid can be placed in a TESOL class without you even really realizing it or without them being marked as ELL. Generally it looks like a regular classroom and typically has native English speaking students as well.

If your student is an ELL and you opt to not mark them as such, it means they might not be placed with that teacher, and they might miss out on instruction that will help them learn. Many families think that the kids will pick up English quickly, and that’s true to an extent. What’s harder to naturally pick up is the academic language of English, along with the proper grammar, proper way to write etc. Being an ELL and having a TESOL certified teacher gives a student a better chance at being taught in a way that makes sense to them and leads to success.

A lot of people here banking on the fact that 10th graders are stronger, but not enough recognition of the fact that 6th graders are fucking feral. I teach middle school and even I don’t fuck with 6th grade. They’re completely feral and they’re assholes in a creative way that gets beaten out of you as you get older and learn empathy for others.

Edgewood is absolutely the ABQ metro area, people commute from there all the time

Absolutely agree and love this sentiment but Landon Donovan has had like, no hair his entire life 😂 the man had a receding hairline by like 16, god bless him

This poor man has had a receding hairline since he was a teenager. It just was never in the cards for him lol

In what state is the limit 80 mph in the middle of the city?

I would also feel really sensitive about it, I get why you’re feeling self conscious. I will say though that I’ve actually been in a position like this a few times, and tbh, people usually don’t remember or care that much when they meet you in person. They’re all also busy with preparing to go abroad, feeling nervous, wondering if people will like them, etc and they might not even fully be paying attention to you. Whenever I’ve been in this situation, we meet in person and there might be a flicker of realization that this person asked this or said this in the chat, but people are often so different in person than they are online (especially when you’re in a situation like that where everyone is on best behavior) that you quickly let go of whatever preconceived notions you have.

Just do your best to stay on top of stuff, and be gracious and apologetic when you make mistakes. Everyone else in the group is also hoping, just as much as you are, that people will like them. And if they don’t like you? Oh well. It’s a big country, you’ll meet other people.

The only thing that has helped mine (on my eyelids, not my hands) & keeps it at bay is Avene Cicalfate restorative protective cream. It’s expensive, but I’ve tried a lot and this has literally worked better than the prescription ointments I’ve been given in the past. It’s expensive but you can buy the travel size tube for I think around $25, and it’s lasted me six months.

We have fires every single year. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the FBI get involved. There are people who make a living just determining how fires are started; seems pretty obvious that they know it was man-made.