Honestly considering that too. There's still a ton to do, like filling up the museums, getting DIYs, getting photos (although I have a ton), etc. It's either that or getting another switch haha, might even do both. Thanks for the idea!

I unfortunately don't have online, so I don't have a dream address to share, but I was planning on getting it later anyway. When I get it, I'd be happy to share it!

Yeah, I've been playing a ton of New Leaf!! Just miss New Horizons a bit and was considering getting back into it.

Check on the website, that's where I found it! Depends if it's just my area, though, not sure... If I end up getting it, I'll make a post! :D

Definitely get the DLC! It adds so much to the game, not just decorating indoors (though that is a cool feature). The whole experience is so cute, would def recommend.

Thank you so much for your help! I actually did find the switch Isabelle edition online at Target still, so hopefully by the time I get around to actually buying it, it's still there! Hoping to get it sooner than later, budget permitting... Thank you again!

Honestly considering it now that everyone's saying it! Do you have the Animal Crossing switch lite, since that comes pre downloaded with it? That's the one I would get, if I end up getting one. What's the lite like, anyhow? How different is it?

Fr?? Never knew that I could do that. Ty, that actually helps a lot.

Sheesh, now that y'all are saying it, maybe. Not a bad idea to have a free island to mess with lol

Almost considered buying a second switch, but realized there was no point lol. I wish Nintendo allowed multiple islands on one switch, but ofc they'd never haha. Glad to know that there are people who feel the same way.

Does anyone else not want to restart their island, but feel burnt out?Discussion/Conversation NOT FOR TRADE OR GAME MECHANICS

I've had my island since launch, so I'm super attached to it. I've done literally everything, I have the dream island. There's nothing more for me to do, and I don't want to flatten the island and just redesign it, because that won't stop the itch. My island got me through really hard times, and I just am so attached to it... and yet I really want to restart my experience from scratch and just experience new things. I'm so proud to say that I've had my island since launch, I'm proud to display it on my passport. Does anyone else feel this way? They're so attached to what they have, but just want to restart because they're tired of just having this island on display that they're burnt out by?? Idk, it's a really specific experience, but I wanted to know if anyone else felt that way.

Molly fish sicknessHelp/Advice

So I have a male black Molly who I've had for about nine months now. He's been fine until the last month or so, where his scales have gone silvery, his eyes bulging, and his lungs red. I've tried different medicines and whatnot to fix it, but I'm really confused. Is it just ich?? I can't tell. He's not lethargic at all. He's not fuzzy, either. I can try to get a picture if need be, he's just a fast swimmer. Thank you!

I'm not particularly a back sleeper at all, no. I don't spend a lot of time leaning the back of my head against anything.

I just looked at him and OMG so CUTE! Tysm for the recommendation!

Medium size, like 20in or so.

Best floppy bears

I'm looking for a brown floppy bear (ie floppy limbs and body). I want it to be thick and heavy, yet pretty floppy. I had a bear in childhood that was like that, but unfortunately I can't find him anymore (rip Boris), so I'm trying to find a temporary replacement until I can look through everything more thoroughly to make sure he's gone. Ty in advance :)

Best way to remove lipstick

I forgot that I had put red lipstick in my pocket before putting my sweater in the wash. It got all over my clothes, so how do I get it out properly? Thank you!

UPDATE: I was able to get it out! Thank you to those who commented with helpful advice!!

How many male mollies in an 11 gallon tank?Question/Help

Hi guys! Just a quick question. I have an 11 gallon tank that currently has three male black velvet mollies in it. I really want to get one or two more, a balloon molly and/or a dalmatian molly. Is it okay to have more than 3 in an 11 gallon tank? I've read conflicting sources and wasn't sure. Thank you! Edit: I would be keeping all male mollies to stop breeding.

Planted tank setupHelp/Advice

Hi everyone! I'm a beginner who's been in the fish community for about four months now. I'm upgrading my 5 gallon to a 15-20 gallon tank. I wanted advice on how to start!

I'm looking for: A substrate Easy beginner plants Types of decor How to feed the plants And if snails are suggested. I have: A filter A light A heater 3 male black velvet mollies And some fake decor (I know, not the best. It's why I'm looking to upgrade) I'm not sure what I'm missing/what I need and the YouTube community and articles aren't helping me like I want them to lol. Thank you!