I’d UNlove someone who didn’t stick up for me to his parents, I’d do it twice if he crapped on my career, let alone on a work event where I was being honored that he knew I’d been looking forward to. F that noise. Girlfriend needs to get out, STAT. and separate those finances like yesterday.

Here’s the truth - she’s not dying, assholes live forever, it feels like. The dying bit is specifically to guilt/manipulate you, she doesn’t even care a bout your kids. You as the parent owe it to your kids to protect them from her.

When you look at it like that, there’s no reason to be guilty.

Or anyone, especially a sister. With or without a baby/pregnancy. It’s just evil no matter what.

I’m 5’8 and can’t picture myself at that weight, so I know you’re not at all “lucky” to have this condition. I’ve struggled with the opposite issue due to an undiagnosed thyroid issue, chronic illness meds, and having the palate of a toddler. I can’t tell you how many times in my younger years I heard, you could be a model if you just lost X weight. It’s not the compliment they think it is, just like commenting on you being lucky isn’t the comment the insensitive yoga ladies keep saying isn’t. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.

Don’t ask them. Get that child advocate and let that person all of the questions.

Partassipant [2]

Did wife’s twin purposely get pregnant so she could have kids at the same time as your wife so this would be one more thing they could bond over? If so, that’s another issue.

Or do break his Xbox and let the child take himself out of the equation.

She should step on what probably his fragile masculinity. Or something.

I realized it when I was a teen, or rather I knew how to express my thoughts about it. My siblings are significantly older than me and I ended up babysitting all of their kids, including a set of twins. So I’ve never had that warm squishy feeling about babies - because I changed diapers and cleaned up vomit from age 13 - 18 which was when my siblings were having kids.

I also babysat for others along the way. I always knew how much work kids were. I also saw my brother drink his way through the 1st 10+ years of his kids’ lives and not lift a finger to help his wife, so I also knew there was no guarantee a partner would actually step up to help. And I’m super self aware and was afraid of how I was going to take care of myself as an adult. I couldn’t imagine trying to do it with a boat anchor tied to you 24/7.

I had my tubes tied when I turned 30 and was having another procedure done “in that area”. My Gyn suggested it, since he knew I was childfree and we had talked about it previous to this issue. Best birthday present to myself ever.

I’m turning 55 this week, and I’ve never regretted it.

If you are still on the fence about bit, offer to help out a friend who has either a baby or a toddler and take the kid for a weekend. That way you can make your decision knowing what your like will be like for literal years. And you’ll know if the boyfriend will be willing to step up and help too.

I have a big ass Harley with fairly obnoxious pipes. I volunteer for this if you need me!

When it’s said after you specifically say you’re childfree, it’s condescending as hell and proves the person isn’t listening to what you’re saying. That’s why it’s offensive. Plus the fact that women even close to being in key childbirth years get bingoed almost daily, makes it annoying AF.

But with the stigma against mental health issues, no one is willing to fight back, sadly.

I’d proceed to have really loud crazy sex with my partner while staring at g directly into the camera lens. I might even throw in a “thinking of you, Phil” mid thrust with a wink. Or call out neighbor’s partner - “hey, Sandy, if Phil needs some tips, send him over, I’ll show him how it’s done”.

Just me? I’d make it as awkward as possible. I’d walk my fat naked ass around the back yard as often as I could without sunburning my “parts”. Again, while making as much eye contact with the camera as possible.

Maybe poop in your yard with your ass facing the camera. Make it weird.

You’re married to a toddler and you and the baby will never be a priority. Does he do anything around the house while unemployed, or is he just a leech? You and your baby deserve so much more. Imagine how much you could have in savings if you dumped that freeloader. Don’t wait until you’re homeless with a baby. Because it will come to that one day. I promise.

Don’t leave their house until she pays you. And don’t let her pay for gas, use a mileage calculator from your government which takes into consideration the upkeep of the car as well. In the US I think it’s 65 cents per mile. So keep track of your mileage. Keep a little notebook in the car and note the odometer to the location, when you get to location, and home from location every day you work.

Omg ffs, microwave the icing in the can when you get there and just pour it over like ganache. Jebus.

Anything but the first one. It looks like a swimsuit cover up

Totally the AH here, for sure. Who misses their kids’ graduation on purpose? If SHE was giving birth, sure, but she’s the grandparent FFS.

NExt time this happens I’ve decided to say, no, not any more. I can’t eat a whole one in one sitting any longer, so I’ve cut way back.

Same here! I give as little info as possible. Apparently my RBF game is scary good, so, if I do answer, it’s obvious I’m not open for further discussion on the matter.

No. I still have a photo from my 1st wedding that is of me and my 2 brothers, one of them has passed away now. My current husband doesn’t bat an eye. I also used to have a pic out of me and my ex with my grandmother that my current husband knew about. He didn’t care that the ex was in the photo, because it made me happy to have it. Eventually I got tired of the ex in the photo and figured out how to alter the photo without damaging it.

In some counties in my state, bus drivers can’t be taking any mental health drugs either, and if they don’t self disclose and it pops on their urinalysis, they’re fired. Personally, I’d rather have a driver aware of their mental health needs and seeking/receiving treatment rather than going unmedicated….. but maybe that’s just me.