My beautiful wife and I recently had a baby boy and during her pregnancy she suffered from acne. She has always had great skin, so it was totally new to her and it was devastating to her self esteem. She was given some prescription cream from her dermatologist and it worked for a little while and then stopped working. I know to some people this might not be a big deal, but she is very insecure about her looks (I don't know why) and she felt terrible.

Well I recently found out that my sisters were switching the prescription cream with regular moisturizer. I've never been so angry with them in my life. I exploded. My mom had them apologize and told them they needed to pay for all of the cream they threw away. They are so spoiled that their response was ok and then sticking their hand out to our mom. She said she wasn't paying and they needed to figure it out.

My mom was serious they needed to pay but she also didn't seem ok with them getting jobs (she has this attitude that she has worked too hard for her daughters to have some shitty job at the mall) I guess she was expecting them to sell something or maybe babysit. Well they recently came up with the money. I took it of course, but I'm still not ready to move on with them.

However as they were leaving I heard this exchange. My mom asked where they got it and they both looked at her fiance and burst out laughing. My mom looked at him and he was like well you just said you wouldn't give it to them. you never said I couldn't. I saw red. I confronted him immediately and he told me what he does with his money isn't my business.

I said while technically that is true I will never look at him the same again. I don't want him in my house and I'm not going to their wedding. Now my mom is calling me ridiculous and saying they are a packaged deal, so don't expect her to come around either. I feel slightly bad because I know what a big deal a wedding is