the F1 world is full of shady people, no one involved is "unproblematic"

the Bridgerton subreddit has reached the "you don't like it bc you don't understand it!" phase of a fandom meltdown

i really don't think splitting the season was a good idea

i'm confused by that whole white board now

this tweet is art:

The Cannes big swings keep coming with Jacques Audiard's EMILIA PEREZ, a Zoe Saldana/Selena Gomez crime drama that's also a trans empowerment epic that's also a full-blown movie musical. Imagine Almodovar meets SICARIO meets “This is Me… Now” and you’re halfway there. Loved! 

Pine is compromised? guess that's how Tim gets back into Metro

i know him bc he used to train the Riverdale guys

he always seemed really nice!

Strands #75 “Looking for a mate” 💡🔵💡🔵 💡🔵💡🔵 💡🔵💡🔵 🟡🔵

lol. i was struggling hard with this. the spanagram was one big OH