what, i buy from the shop all the time, i'm in Toronto!

i buy the super pass that gives you 1.5 times the points but that's it. also at the level i'm at now (121) it takes way too many coins to do a single chore so i'm getting to the point where it's not as much fun as it was early days.

NTA. i don't even have to read your story. if you want an abortion you go and get one, it's your decision alone.

this is just the sort of good luck to start your new life with!

i'm having a glass of sparkling rose to celebrate!

my deeply abusive ex-step mother died of cancer a couple of years ago and it was really liberating for me, so i feel you, in my own way. big hugs!

seriously, it's the law, they're obligated. OP, tell her to set that in motion.

omg your dress is gorgeous and you look like a dream in it! i'm sorry your family is giving you fits, i hope your wedding day is perfect!

NTA at all. but your boyfriend, phew, what a jerk! he's the one who would have been most inconvenienced by trying to fit into a small bunkbed, sheesh. he owes you an apology.

She was a complex character with lots of flaws, which I enjoyed. Personally, I don't like romance mixed with my sci-fi tho, so that's why she's not even in my top 5 companions.

(Sarah Jane & Donna, tied for first in my heart)

this is so cute i can barely stand it!! 🥰

good god, woman, i was 36 when i married my husband who is 8 years younger than me. your romantic life is not even remotely over. and your current husband is absolute trash, you need to move on.

people with untreated sleep apnea can die of a heart attack or stroke in their sleep, make sure he knows this. not to mention in a lot of places it's illegal to drive if you have sleep apnea and don't use a cpap.

NTA, but he is.

bummer. no way i'm sticking around for August. esp since i probably won't get July's box if things keep going as they have been.

NTA. why in the world would anyone want to go to Arizona to begin with. honestly, visiting any nation that's not a democracy seems unwise, regardless of which state. especially one where women don't have proper human rights.

NTA. you're doing all the right things! make sure the nurses and doctors know your parents are not invited to be in the delivery room. they'll protect your wife , it's something they take very seriously. your parents are selfish bullies, and they also seem wildly misogynistic. keep up the amazing job you're doing already. you're a fantastic partner and you're gonna be a great dad! congrats to you and your wife, i wish you every happiness!

they better, lol. but will that be enough time for inclusion in July's box?

triple the potential for disappointment, ugh. i'd definitely take a break, esp if you have lots of product. i'm so well stocked at the moment, and the way things have been this year it's killed my FOMO. FOMO is what drives at least half the subscriptions, imo.

NTA. this is not the woman for you. take this as the biggest possible red flag saying you need to end this relationship. anyone else would have flown home to be with you. i sure af would have. when my own dad died everyone that was close to me moved heaven and earth to be with me, support me emotionally, and to pitch in for all the logistics involved. my god, even my online friends did their part, helping me edit my dad's obituary, helping me write the eulogy. this girl is only concerned with you understanding her style in jewelry, she's worthless.

edited to add: i'm so very sorry for your loss. it took me years to get over my own dad's death. i'm happy for you because you got to spend time with him the day before, i wish i'd had that myself.

in canada, late at night, we get 'feed the children' ads for starving american children.

this sucks extra for me because i only reactivated for July after skipping June so i could redeem my points. points they gave me as an apology for incredibly poor service. i should have just given up in May when i never got my boxy or shop order.