Why does everyone hate the rise of the numericons so much General Discussion

Personally, I enjoyed s7e8 and I don't really get the overall negative reception on the episode. Why do people dislike it so much?

Am I stupid or can't u just set date to Friday? Worked for me.

Have u scrolled the entire Dex to make sure there are no gaps? Cos other than palkia all of them show up as either found or as a question mark

I think it is unown and palkia then. If u don't have uxie, azelf, mesprit. Palkia will be one as that doesn't show up on Dex till you see it. You have to go to cynthias grandmother in celestic town where she shows you photo of palkia which ticks it off

Why no shellder

How rare is it for shellder to spawn in fountain spring cave/ still water cavern or any of them. I've been searching for ages :(


Spyglass for me

Ty you are amazing <3

Ty you are amazing <3


Ik I'm shit at art I'm just proud cos I'm very bad

What's the best way to get an op pump do ya reckon?

Wait is he trans ftm I'm very confused I'm sorry if this crosses any lines I need to know

I think it is because that round could only recognise flip tricks, so any grabs weren't calculated or sumfin so it gave a random flip trick

It's a habit, I physically can't stop lol!