Completely agree, we're so happy with the district

That Conker's BFD is dope. What's your crown jewel?

I mainly collect titles from Nintendo systems from the Famicom disk drive up to the Switch.

Are other titles from 7th Gen and newer worth collecting? I have titles of MS and Sony systems I just don't have strong feelings of preserving them with the same care as the rest.

It is exactly what OP advises in r/Money this turned out being hilarious. I'm giving him credit as he's consistent with the type of responses he does on other posts.

My first thought exactly

I usually charge attack them until I get more skills later

In a room the size of the Caelem Ruins like the Mad Pumpkin Head duo

They might not look at Steam but they sure look at charts generated from metrics.

Chrono Trigger is one. I don't know of any list though

The Souls, I think it all started with Demon's Souls.

They can work lawfully 48 hr a week. Checked. /s 😆

I am also considering waiting for a PS5 Pro if that's releasing at the end of the year.

Ah that's true, I guess my logic back in the day was that I wouldn't buy a PS5 if I could get a cheap PS4 for one game, now I have access to other exclusives that are PS4 compatible too. I'm not yet moving to PS5 anytime soon, I have a long backlog.

I'd look if there's anything PS4 only. I bought a cheap used one just for playing Bloodborne

A fellow connoisseur


As an update to whoever landed in this post:

I found a guy that does Switch modding in Mesa AZ, I've sent the console using USPS stayed in contact for a few days and then he sent it back fixed. Legit and with affordable prices.

I'm yet to find someone to do a retro games maintenance service.

Oh shit! Here we go again - Your character

I'm playing Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons on the Analogue and completely loving them. I think for me they would be a solid #3 after Ocarina and A Link to the Past, followed by BotW and Twilight Princess

For sure, I've sent you a DM


Those were good pointers though, I might visit them one of these days. Cheers