They have a lot of pairs on Amazon that are in pretty neutral colors. Just type in “Merrell Moab 3 women”. I just got a pair that I love!

Smell the scent of star jasmine on a warm night as it’s blooming. No better scent in the world to me. Also a lavender field and eucalyptus groves.

Scents are intertwined so heavily with emotion, and sometimes just the act of smelling something can dissipate nerves or anxiety in seconds. I think it will be really special for you to get to branch physical scents with emotional reactions. And it may be overwhelming at times at first but just keep in mind scent is like all things in life- a spectrum of good and bad, but the good makes the bad more than worth it.

Solo Woman Hiker

How safe is a JMT trip in September for a solo 27 year old female hiker? I’m not even necessarily concerned about “creepers” on trail; moreso, water crossings alone, risk of injury alone, etc.

I haven’t done a thru hike but I grew up running long distances in the Sierras and Mammoth Region and hike regularly in SoCal. I consider myself in good shape and an avid hiker!

I want to go alone because I love spending time by myself and the JMT will be a great time to reflect on my past and future; however, I would LOVE to have some conversations with others on trail and at night I would love to potentially camp near others as I sometimes get slightly nervous at night time.

Thank you :)))


I stayed on it and I feel like maybe my boobs got ever so slightly bigger but not with the intensity that many on posts about this problem stated. I don’t think the difference is really even noticeable to the outsider’s eye. Like they didn’t continue to just exponentially grow. And they don’t hurt anymore at all. If anything my periods have gotten way less terrible and I am not Pms-ing in the same way.

Thanks for the late reply!! Agh maybe I’ll wait it out - im just so scared of them growing irreversibly because my frame is already way too small for my breasts even with the reduction and then I’m not able to fit in dresses etc in my size 😩

Mine are swollen and sore after only one week on the med. I already got a great reduction a couple years ago and can’t handle permanent enlargement happening again. Did yours end up shrinking back to their original size again?? Did this side effect go sways 😩

I have this bottom of bra strap area pain as well while sleeping. But my breasts have also gotten larger and honestly hurt. I’ve only been on it for a week and I’m considering weaning off already bc if this.

Hi! Did you end up going off of Wellbutrin ? Did your breast pain go away? I’ve been on it only a week and have intense breast pain/ my boobs have swollen to the point my bras feel uncomfortable. It’s bizarre and making me want to wean off, especially as I already had a breast reduction so this is giving me body dysmorphia

Breast swelling on bupropion

I started generic Wellbutrin only a week ago and my breasts are so sore and tender in a more extreme way than PMS. It’s not even time for my period and I can’t possibly be pregnant. They also suddenly feel larger and heavier and my normal bra feels tight. I got a breast reduction two years ago and they are already too large and uncomfortable for my frame. This is giving me extreme body dysmorphia and I am contemplating going off.

Did anyone’s breasts shrink back down after they went off? Or even while they were still taking bupropion? I really hope they will go back to their original l size if I go off.

Same and mine are huge and it’s giving me body dysmorphia !! Did yours shrink back to their original size

Did your boobs swell back down to a normal size? I am having severe body dysmorphia from them getting larger one week in! I already had a reduction a couple years ago and I don’t want to deal with it again

Did your breasts end up looking smaller again? I have body dysmorphia right now from how much mine have swollen after just one week of Wellbutrin

What ended up happening? Did you go off of it?? I also hate this side effect

Did they end up getting smaller again? I had a reduction a couple years ago and my boobs are suddenly getting bigger rapidly after staring Wellbutrin only a week ago!!! I don’t want this side effect !!

Did they end up going down in size eventually ?? I am experiencing sudden swelling of my boobs after starting Wellbutrin a week ago and I had a breast reduction 2 years ago and really don’t want to deal w this. Might go off it if it doesn’t go away.

Another thing is I feel warmer in the winter! I live in a cold city and normally my feet and hands feel numb and freezing once it gets colder, but this winter cold temperatures don’t phase me in the same way. I physically feel more able to withstand it.

I’m shocked at how much less anxiety I feel on a day to day basis, as well as insomnia

Quit and accidentally vaped again

I quit vaping before thanksgiving and a week later had a terrible almost 2 week long cough. It was so bad that I honestly never want to vape again or get back into nicotine. I went out last Friday and was drunk and absentmindedly had about 4 puffs of my friends vape late in the night, then realized and didn’t do it again.

I have the strange subtle itch and mucus feeling in my throat again, around 4 days after vaping ONLY 4 puffs. Could it possibly be smokers cough AGAIN from such minuscule vaping?? Or am I just sick???


Is it ok to make friends at meetings you see outside of the meetings?


Wow thank you all. Went to my first meeting and shared and cried and the amount of healing I feel after one single session feels profound. I can’t imagine what it must be like after fully committing yourself.

HELP! Is al anon right for me? Grew up w alcoholic parentsNewcomer

Hi- I’m at my wits end. I don’t currently live w my parents and I’m almost 30 years old, but I feel like my childhood is negatively affecting a lot of things in my life. My relationship is at rock bottom bc of my constant need for reassurance, and my feeling that bad things will always happen to me, and my partner is frustrated and exhausted. I already do talk therapy but I feel like I’m at an all time low and blame myself for all my trauma. My parents were abusive my entire life and always drunk. Would Al anon help me?


Btw they arrived and are the same ones from before they discontinued !! So happy!