quit vaping

r/QuitVaping44.3K subscribers61 active
Nicotine is evil

I am currently 8 days free of weed and nicotine. I had my appendix taken out last week and decided it was a perfect time to quit while it would boost my healing and overall be a good time because I felt like shit in general, now I’m feeling better and the cravings are getting worse. The only reason I’m not smoking weed is because it heightens my nicotine craving so much more. And whoever said weed isn’t addictive is a liar cause I sure am craving it, although I could care less about that I’ll smoke a doobie when I want I’ve quit it before…..Nicotine on the other hand I’ve been vaping for about 7 years and quit for about a 2 month period during covid and picked it back up and haven’t gone a day without hitting one since. Almost all of the people around me vape and smoke cigarettes so it makes me think about participating socially a lot more often. and My problem is I use the vape as a sort of reward such as finishing a task at work and even hitting it in the bathroom that is literally the time I want to hit it most for some odd reason. The thing that worries me the most about vaping is the fact of it being so new there aren’t enough long term studies to know what it’s going to do to our bodies, I mean obviously nothing good but we don’t actually know if the long term effects are really better or worse than cigarettes. As for the people who switch from cigarettes to vapes my grandma says it really does make her feel better and she coughs so much less, she has been smoking cigarettes since 8 years old and is 62, now if I knew people had done that with a vape I don’t think I’d even be thinking about quitting right now tbh it’s sad Really, but in the end quitting comes down to self control and will power. And I have faith in myself. I’m just so worried I’ll break. If I do I’ll try again but I feel it will get harder and harder. And I know it makes me feel like shit mega shitttt but my brain wants me to hit it so bad. Sorry for the book

What’s one phrase that encouraged you to quit/ stay quit

I like reading through this forum because sometimes there really are some gems people share that just click. What phrase has been that for you?

Ridiculous boost of energy

I don’t remember the last time I felt this much energy. Day 10 and this is the best I’ve felt physically and mentally in the past 4 years. So stupid I didn’t stop this earlier. QUIT. DONT GO BACK. This does not have to be hard. If you mean it when you say you’re done, just be done. I’ve failed 100s of times. And the one time I finally say “I’m done” and this has been the easiest for quitting that it’s ever felt.

Anybody use Puff Count?

Got some friends who are addicted, and they seem to be having a hard time. Was wondering if it would be useful to them?

Why does quiting nicotine feel like the hardest thing in the world?!

Ok, so Ive tried to quit cold turkey, I've done patches, I've done gum, I've done nicotine free games and none seemed to work, so I've been cutting back slowing by decreasing the amount of nicotine in my vape. I'm down at lease 75% of the nicotine I was a few months ago, so I can say that is definitely an improvement.

A lot of stuff has been going on in my life lately and that plus withdrawals (which there really shouldn't be many since I'm still getting some nicotine) they're just kicking my ass.

My mom died very recently, and the grief +withdrawals is just messing me up in all kinds of ways.

I feel like crying all the time. I want to eat every sweet thing I can see. I'm so irritable. I feel like I can't breathe. I can't sleep like I used to. I've been having crazy dreams.

I've been thinking about going on welbutron since that seems to help some people quit smoking, but I never liked antidepressants when I've been on them before. I just don't know what else to do rn.

Also I'm going on a camping trip with my partner and his family for a few days and I probably won't be able to charge my vape, so hopefully that goes ok, and I don'tfreaky out😅

Addicted to the gum😂

Hey guys! I’m 10 days vape free which I’m absolutely stoked about - had been addicted since high school so 4 years😭When I quit I got 4mg nicotine gum as my cravings were very strong. This makes it easy to stop vaping because I’m still lowkey getting my nicotine. I know with certainty at this point I wouldn’t be able to go a day without the gum and I’m worried I’ve just swapped addictions. Has anyone else tried NRT?

Sober for 4 months and relapsing lately again

I was doing so good! Vape free for a solid 4 months then I got drunk one night and things just spiraled out from there. Probably bought and thrown away at least 4 vapes in the span of the last 2 weeks since I picked it up again. So frustrating. It’s crazy how my brain fucks with me when im hungover or tired, like this thing will not make me feel any better, in fact I will feel worse… ok im gonna do it.

Fuck vaping! Posting here just for some self accountability.

Desperately wanting to relapse :(

I made it 3 entire days. That is longer than I ever have gone when trying to quit (besides one time when I went out of country and quit for a week involuntarily).

I heard that day 3 is usually always the hardest but I’m starting to notice a decline in my motivation. At first I was all-in and ready to quit, now I’m leaning more towards thinking “you only live once!” and I’m starting to also think familiar thoughts of: you can get cancer or have a stroke from any off chance, you might as well hit the vape.

These are incredibly toxic thoughts that I’m having and I’m able to tamper down cravings now but I’m worried once I leave my house to go to the gym I’ll be scooping one at the nearest gas station. Please help any advice is appreciated :(

Just relapsed.

I quit around 3 days ago and I just bought a small disposable. Honestly, the dopamine rush right before hitting it was way stronger than actually hitting it. It didn’t even feel good. I threw it away immediately. Does anyone have any tips on not being so damn fatigued while trying to quit? I’m staying active: working out in the morning and trying to get 10k steps a day to keep my mind off of vaping. To be honest, the mornings and nights are actually not too bad, but the cravings come during the middle of the day and I just end up feeling so tired :/

Has anyone weaned themself off by decreasing juice strength?

I actually did this successfully a few years ago and then I relapsed a few months ago. I had switched from 25mg salt nic to free base and gone from 12 to 6 to 3 to 0, and then was easily able to quit. I just can’t remember how I made the jump from the 25mg salt nic to the 12mg free base. I bought a bottle of the 12mg free base and it is unbearable. I have been researching mixing your own juice and gradually diluting it, but I am thoroughly confused. Has anyone had success?

I’m in vicious cycle

I really don’t even know why I’m doing it anymore. Everytime I take a hit of the vape I don’t feel like myself and my anxiety skyrockets. I get like paranoid even. But I still can’t stop. It’s so habitual that it’s hard not to. I took a week off of work to quit and I still didn’t do it. Went back to work and was going in the bathroom every hour to get a hit. I feel like an idiot. It’s like this thing is changing who I am and my respect for myself. It’s like I’m so scared of the withdrawals but what I’m dealing with right now is so much worse. But I still feel like I can’t cold turkey it right now despite this clear vision of this cycle.

Quit vaping 60 days ago and I miss it.

I got Covid or some kind of respiratory virus two months ago and decided it would be the perfect time to quit vaping. After all I could barely breathe for 5 days and was sleeping most of the time. It’s been two months and I miss vaping SO much!!! It’s relaxing and it was my only vice. I don’t enjoy drinking or smoking pot at all.

Yes, I know it’s” bad” for me but man, it was something that brought me a lot of joy lol! Should I start vaping again - I’m sad without it!!!

Why give up

Hi guys, now I am 80 hours clean of vaping and with a low dosage of nicotine (only 2-3 2mg gums) and I’ve cried and craved so much but also noticed that was my brain trying to trick me to get all that nicotine that was used to. I don’t want to be a slave of a drug to be happy, i don’t want to go to the bathroom every hour to get a hit to get a “relief”. So guys don’t give up and keep going, trying to imagine you in the future free of nicotine trying to really live your life. Every time that i think in buying one juice i think myself better. In only 3 days i am breathing better and my skin looks much much much better (less redness) (I do a very strict skin care routine but i was in a plato that have gone now). Think in years and years vaping every single day it’s obvious that we will feel weird but we managed to survive every day poisoning yourselfs so we can go through the process of getting clean. Stay strong guys and I will try my best to not relapse

Wasting your time with NRT

Honestly think NRT is a recipe for disaster.

By taking NRT you’re basically saying “Nicotine is helping me”..

And with that alone, you’re at a loss.

To truly quit nicotine, you need to understand that nicotine is doing absolutely nothing for you and you’ve just lived a lie for however long you smoked.

Accelerate NRT?

I’m on day 3 of the patch and am wondering if anyone else did the itch at an accelerated pace. Right now I’m at 21mg/day and I’m supposed to stay at this for four weeks before cutting back to 14 for two weeks then 6 for two weeks. Is there any reason I couldn’t cut back at 2 weeks? I figure it’s gonna suck either way. Fwiw day 3 is a lot better than day 2 lol.

The first 48 hours

I started smoking cigarettes shortly after I turned 18, about 9 years go. I picked up vaping a little while after that and then was a bit of a double-wielder for a few years, but eventually transitioned to exclusively vaping. I really want to--and have failed to-- quit for a multitude of reasons, but one big thing is I don't want to have to say that I've given a decade of my life to nicotine addiction. So I officially ran out of my last Vuse Alto pod at about 8:00 am on Monday. It's now 9:00ish am on Wednesday and these have been some of the longest 48 hours I've ever experienced.

I don't think I've gone this long without nicotine before, even when "trying" to quit previously. I'm getting cravings what feels like every 5 minutes and they're still not quite letting up, but I'm taking them one at a time, drinking water, breathing deeply, and pushing through them. I have some hard candies and a short bit of a drinking straw that I sometimes inhale through when I need a bit more "authenticity." Don't ask me to tell you about the mild panic I had when I lost that straw for a few minutes, though.

I had an interesting side effect yesterday from my withdrawal where I was feeling mildly lightheaded/dizzy, which apparently, according to Google, means that my body is getting more oxygen than it's used to so...yay, I guess. Last night I kept waking up in the middle of the night with a crazy high blood pressure which was....annoying to say the least. I had a nice hot bubble bath last night which was really relaxing, and I've been trying to stretch and breathe when I'm feeling too tense.

I'm feeling pretty hopeful that I've made it this far, and I know I still have a long way to go but I can't help but think this time will be the one. I feel like if I can push through this upcoming Saturday's activities, that will probably be the defining hurdle for me and then after that everything will feel a lot easier.

What’s been the most effective for you all?

This block of text is rambling backstory on my addiction, my question lies on par. 2 I got into nicotine at a very early age, 14 if I remember, because my friends and I decided to take one of their older brothers juuls, and, it was downhill from there. Didn’t own my own until 16 once I began working, right next to a smoke shop that didn’t card, conveniently, or inconveniently depending on how you wanna look at it. Didn’t smoke a lot of cigs luckily, only when drunk. I’m 21 now and I know I’ll have to quit eventually if I want to stay in good health, and if it’s this tough now it’ll be 10x more fucked with each passing year it feels. Plus I have adhd and am on adderall so nicotine is even more rewarding on the days I take it, though I’ve managed to make myself crave it not as much on those days I take it. I’ve tried quitting, 3 times now I think and I didn’t get any further than a week. The first was cold turkey, failed after a day. Second attempt was also cold turkey, failed after 3. Next I tried using nicotine gum but then I bought pouches and then a vape after about 5 days.

I want to try again, but this time, weave off vaping as slowly as comfortable. Currently I’m at the start of this, so, my idea is I’ll cut out vaping at certain times of day I tend to crave it most, or when it’d be most detrimental. For instance, if I workout, I won’t hit my vape for 2 hours before and after workout. Next I’ll cut it out 2 hours before bed, and next after I wake up, etc. Has anyone tried a similar approach with any success, or know anytning similar? When I go back to my doctor I think I’m also going to try to switch anti depressants to that one that helps with cravings too.

Day 1 and I feel sooo bad

I woke up this morning craving that first vape of the day. I craved that last minute vape right before my therapy appointment. I’m craving the after therapy hit too. I just can’t stop craving it!!

Something I also didn’t think about until now — my patch is 21mg but juul pods are over twice that amount. I was smoking a pod and a half a day before. It’s no wonder I’m feeling like shit!

The first few hours yesterday had gone so well that I guess I thought I wouldn’t feel too bad after all, but here we are.

My brain keeps trying to convince itself that even a 0mg hit would be fine and actually quite nice, but I set a hard limit on that, so it isn’t an option for me.

Just grrrrrrraaahhhhhh!! 😩

Update: after my ADHD meds kicked in, I noticed that I was able to get the urge off my mind SO much easier. It’s looking like this is going to be an early morning struggle for the foreseeable future 😂

Day 5

Long time lurker, 2nd time quitter, hoping this will be the last time I quit. I threw my vape away last Thursday and so far I feel good, the itch is there but for me it feels more mental than anything else. Thinking of you all, you’re the reason I’m here!

Non scented vapes? Higher quality vapes? Help, I am trying to think of ways to help my husband stop vaping.

Hi guys, first of all I am sorry if the answers are somewhere in this sub. I tried to look a bit.

My husband stopped smoking years ago and has been vaping ever since. While I know this is supposed to be healthier, that thing is in his hand nonstop. Like a toddler sucking on his binky.

The fact it doesnt smell like cigarettes made him very comfortable to just vape nonstop. If we drive in car he has to suck on that thingy every 10 mins. We made a compromise that he can do that in his man cave but we regularly get into “arguments” because the vape flavors smell extremely intensely to me and I am starting to get rather bitchy when I catch a whiff. Some flavors smell worse than others. He gets whatever they have at gas station.

Please, could you recommend a vape that has no additives in form of flavor? Also maybe something with higher quality control than gas station (our gas stations seem to be able to sell literally anything that “falls of the truck”). Something that shows in numbers how much nicotine he is using and that would allow decrease the dose over time while still sucking on it? Does that even exist? Seems like these things are just made to get you more hooked.

I will take any advice from you guys. I dont see him ever stopping with these tutti frutti colorful toys from hell. I want to buy him something better but the market is hard for me to navigate.

additional detail, I think he doesnt have much own motivation to stop, its more to please me. What are good apps that would clearly and quickly show him how much he saves as time goes on? i think that could become a little game for him, like whatever he saved he can now spend on man toys at home depot or so.

thank you all in advance, and I wish you all best of luck quitting.

I keep buying

I’m 14 and keep buying vapes even tho every time I want to quit I literally just set up to go get one after school and I always feel really bad and ik I shouldn’t but I just want to how do I stop myself from buying any tips ? ( I have quit before but I went back )

Resources? Trying to quit (again) & summer weather trigger?

I quit back in January and almost made it 5 months clean! Ugh long story short I relapsed for no reason, a voice in my brain just told me if would be nice to have just one pull one day on a sunny afternoon and I caved. Regret it. Idk why it’s been so much harder to quit this time. I’m honestly starting to believe the weather has something to do about it.

I quit during the winter, and it was pretty easy up until summer came along and I guess I missed vaping during the summer? With the sun shining and warm weather it just seems so much harder, maybe bc of the attachments and the “good” memories of vaping during the summer idk. Sounds so ridiculous but I guess that’s just the addicted brain.

Anywho, i find the listening/ reading books, and watching videos helped me a lot. I loved Allen carrs easy way to quit vaping and that’s what pushed me to quit in the first place. I still continuously listen to the audiobook but I was wondering if anyone has any more resources they can share that help them quit. Learning more about our brain and the psychological aspects of it all helped me a ton, it really is a minds game. Please let me know and thank you!!

Tabex/cytisine advice

I’ve gotten my vaping down to only weekends (from serious chaining), which has become a trap in itself but that’s another matter. So I’ve bought some tabex to try and truly kick it.

However, instructions for tabex state to take tablets whilst smoking/vaping for 5 days. I don’t know if this is really stupid or not, but should I vape today (Wednesday) so I can start taking the tablets?

can you read easyway if you’ve already quit with willpower?

2 weeks in right now in deep depression and wondering if Allen Carr’s book would be helpful at this stage…