I'm with you, I would have gone medieval on that douchebag after the third question.

He is all about the terrorism, the genocide, the apartheid and the ethnic cleansing.

Ah say ah say look at me when I'm talking to you boy.

I will never forget that sex scene she did with leguizamo in the movie The sumer of Sam I think it was. It was super hot.

Did you know that 100% of drownings are caused by water?

Whetr the fuck do they play? The mine fields?

How could Jackie dress so scandalouslly?

In the US, we are required to have an outlet in the bathroom.

Mine are in the laundry room.

I told my wife this joke and used her as the protagonist, needles to say, it did not go well.

He kept going back in time, don't you know anything?

If anyone of is was to suggest that, the FBI would be knocking down your door before you even hit enter.