Meeting the person I dated b4 my current partner at the very least I broke her already broken heart and traumatized her further at the worst she got hurt or worse, possibly OD'D, disappeared off the internet, I showed her love and adoration she's never experienced then randomly took it away and threw her out of my life like trash last I heard she was clean but I don't know if it lasted after I stopped talking to her but I couldn't do it anymore it broke her for a while I hope she's doing better though but I'm worried she's not

If I die then it's not my problem anymore

My son, my girlfriend, meeting my newborn nephew, my girlfriends friends/kids/family all liking me, knowing my roommate doesn't have to figure out rent alone, alot of tiny dumb stuff that makes everyday easier

2008 I woke up next to my father's corpse. 2020 my son was taken away from me by his cheating mom and I didn't see him for 2 years. 2023 the woman I was gonna marry left me to go fuck 2 dudes. 2014 I got addicted to drugs. 2015 loads of having to fight people to be left alone. 2007 my mother abandoned us and blamed it on me. 2013 my mother got custody of us and immediately abandoned me and my brothers with a step dad who neglected us then my older brother left and she came back for my little brother. Idk they all kinda just sucked my whole life 2024 is off to a great start

Looks like he hangs outside of high schools to ask cheerleaders when do they turn 18. Looks like he'd say something like "she turns 18 next month so it's cool bro". 100% has ruffied a buddy and took a photo with his dick on his face. Probably jogs at the park to stare at women's asses when they jog. Definitely got head from a gay guy during a dry spell and says "I'm not gay he was suckinh my dick I was thinking about a woman". Wouldn't be surprised if this guy buys a new puppy every year to get women to talk to him. New age Jeffrey Dahmer tryna be Ted Bundy. Tinder bio says "no fat chicks I know my worth" but also says "I respect women I'm a feminist". "I'm an alpha and all these betas piss me off". I've met guys on the registry I'd trust more than you. Peaked in high-school and still talks about that one kid he used to bully like it's fond memories

That I hate hot chocolate I don't hate it just don't care to drink it often but my ex would make it daily in the fall and winter

This one was said to me back in high-school "I would say you're the type of person only your mother could love but we all know she abandoned you too" said to me by an ex infront of her friends after I broke up with her for cheating on me with her ex step brother

Depression, anxiety, paranoia, insomnia just all of them (yes I know the first 3 are symptoms of certain illnesses) I get so depressed I can't leave my room then the anxiety tells me how worthless I am and that I shouldn't let Depression rule my life and the paranoia that everyone wants to hurt or kill me or they hate me keeps me up at night till I only get 2 or 3 hours of sleep it's a miracle I am a functioning adult with a job

"I fucked your brother, your mother and your sister too but the only one for me is you"

The comedic relief character that eventually gets his own little arc where everyone finds out he tried to off himself eventually getting better and falling in love before being written off the show bc of budgeting issues

Head. I've never been a fan of getting my dick sucked I usually stop them and move right into sex but last night I didn't stop her

Pay off the rest of my rent on my apartment and my gfs then buy a house for my roommate and her dude and get a different home for me, my girl and the kids

My partner just like her natural smell something about it makes my brain light up

For reference I am a 25 year old high-school drop out and my son's mother is 28 and in college. This woman looker me in the eyes and said "I miss when coke (Coca-Cola) had cocaine in it it tasted better" and it was at that moment that I thought to myself "oh my God did I impregnate someone who is mentally handicapped and let her raise our child?" I didn't argue with her bc I did not have the crayons or the time to explain how idiotic that was to her

So soft tacos are better for sex but hard tacos don't have my spunk in them which one should I eat?