Claire best mom

Honestly the main reason is just how it handles the antagonists. I miss the phone calls that add character

Jamie Lloyd legendary skin petition on profile

Thank you very much! I started a petition, spoke to the actress Danielle Harris, spoke to Behavior about it during an ama

Next i contact the company directly

Claire best mom

If i followed that advice, I wouldn’t have continued the series

Claire best mom

I hate parrying

Yes those are cool. Big upgrade from simple. “find medals”

I have not noticed anything different about weapons, but i also don’t really know guns

Eh, it can be annoying

Eh, about the same. Never scared me

What’s different about mercenaries aside from gameplay style?

I did post my full thoughts if you’d like to see

I hate Capcom replacing all the actors because they are cheap. Bring her back

Claire best mom

I am a modern gamer. OG2 is superior in most regards, and 2 remake cut more content than 3 remake

Claire best mom

Strong willed. That being sad, Leon has become numb and distant with those in his life, becoming an alcoholic

Chris has so many people and dedicated his entire life to killing BOWs probably as a coping thing

Claire best mom

What? Yes of course you wouldn’t be able to tell if you didn’t play both. That doesn’t change the actual quality

Claire best mom

I highly recommend trying before deciding

Claire best mom
  1. The series has deep lore and an ongoing story. I highly recommend playing 1 and going forward. If you try it and hate the older gameplay, watch a lets play instead

  2. Aside from 1, all the remakes are inferior to the originals. The original 2 and 3 will be available on GOG soon.

  3. 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. If you want the spin offs: 1, 0, 2, 3, Code Veronica, 4, Revelations, 5, Revelations 2, 6, 7, 8

Claire best mom

Play 1 remake. Best game of the series

I’d recommend 0 and 4 but not important

Claire best mom

I wasn’t born when 4 was released. I hate when morons can’t accept others opinions so they immediately default to “obviously nostalgia”.

He is not more menacing, and being “more menacing” doesn’t change his worse motivations.

His personality is basically the same. The only change is his backstory which is more generic and boring mow

Can I just decide any of your silly topics are moot then?

My arguments don’t fault apart just because you say “nu uh”. You didn’t even address most of my issues. You need to realize your opinion isn’t fact and pretending it is, is pathetic. Also, people only resort to grammar when they don’t have anything intelligent to say

Claire best mom

I care more about her than any of the crap they set up in 8

Claire best mom

Vast improvement on 1, i enjoyed James’s story and his ending with Laura, but it left much to be desired

The story is meant to he vague and up to interpretation, but when everyone on r/deadbydaylight has completely different views on the most basic of story elements and all insist you are dumb for not seeing it, there are definitely problems. I also find the enemies boring. They all have the same lore, “they are made from the fog.” Some might vaguely represent a internal struggle, but that’s not enough. The Suffering did it better