In this country, it is personal failure. If you can't make it here, there's not much hope for you.

Most third-world immigrants are able to thrive here with the opportunity they otherwise wouldn't have had.

People seem to think it's OK to allow the rest of us to work our arse off to pay for their existence because they're pathetic. If you are healthy and can work welfare shouldn't be available.

Since when was it the States' responsibility to babysit the inept.

Money to be made everywhere in this country if people got off their arse and stopped blaming capitalism for their ineptitude

What you just said was one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever read. At no point during your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought.

I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

They made their wealth through working, not leaching off the rest of us taxpayers.

Easy target, no one likes working 40hrs a week for 50 years while lazy f**ks rort the system.

Why would I provide anything?

I can already tell you're beneath me based on your prose.

You have no standing here.

Sleep it off speed racer.

Wrong. Take a nap buddy you've had enough 🤣

As they get older, people actually become more conservative..

If you see it, say something. Shame the grubs.

Most of society is confused, not just you. We have changed the meaning of so many political terms like diversity, tolerance, and equality that they have lost all meaning. Tolerance these days seems to mean positive acknowledgement and celebration..

I believe what the author is suggesting is that we have to accept that inherently humans are different and have different moral assessments and ways of interpreting life. In the past, we tolerated and accepted that everyone had their own viewpoint and still got along cohesively in the public sphere.

With the emergence of identity politics, there has been an expansion of the self over nature. The way you make one group 'feel' has been pushed into political discourse and law instead of a contextual moral assessment on the matter.

We are never going to get along and have one political viewpoint on a matter. The best we can do is try to promote human virtues and ends based on nature, not irrelevant sub issues like 'woman's rights' and 'trans rights', etc, whatever the f that terminology means..

What does populism mean? As far as I can tell, the term has come about after the election of Donald Trump.'s just a majority vote or democracy that's populism?

I had a response in like 3 mins the other week from like 4 paddy wagens couldn't believe it. They said they were in the area, ended up getting a couple of the perpetrators as they were running off.

50/50 mate. Don't let her bamboozle you with how much she says she is entitled to. Go talk to a lawyer.

Soccer kick that little f**k into annihilation next time it comes at you.

Went to a diner in northern California Lakes area called 'the Spot.' Reminded me of every American movie diner ever. Waitresses, food, customers the lot. Really was the place to be in that little town

In the same way that someone's beliefs entitle them to use any gender bathroom, they decide on the day.

We need to balance respect for all belief systems. Not argue that one is superior to the other with no evidence except 'that's how I feel about it'