I’m celiac, and my husband is like 85% gluten free! We rarely bring it in the house, aside from the occasional party. He’s also a fan of cookie dough ice cream, so he stocks that in the freezer. Honestly, since dating me he’s realized that he’s somewhat gluten intolerant. He can’t have beer or pizza anymore, but will still eat his favorite things like Korean and Vietnamese gluten dishes when he goes out for lunch at work. DON’T settle for anything less than someone who wants to support you 100%! He’s my biggest protector and my celiac life has improved greatly with him in my corner.

I’ve started with dazzle dry and it’s honestly saving my nails! It’s like a 4 step system that dries in 5 minutes and you can remove it with regular remover instead of getting your nails sawed off at the salon lol

I called and they said it’s gluten free! I wonder why they don’t just put that on the packaging…

Oh they’re definitely better than Aldi’s! I put them in the air fryer

I love the egg rolls and pizza rolls

aerie is claiming it’s “for the earth” but I think it’s just a way to charge more and provide less. A bummer because they used to be my fav bathing suits

This actually happened to me a month before my wedding too, so I totally understand your pain. I’m proud of you for remaining calm. I can’t say the same for me lol. I can’t offer any advice, but I can say from experience that it really sucked in the moment, but we ended up having our reception outside and it ended up being the most beautiful day and everyone said it was better than the original plan. I’m hoping the best for you too!

These belonged to my husbands grandmother from late 1940s/early 1950s


I love weddings!! I love seeing my friends in love and celebrating that! I love getting together with family and friends and the whole thing. I was actually thinking just recently about how it’s sad I don’t have any weddings coming up on the horizon.

If you can do oats, I’d get the individual gf packets to bring along and use their hot water and add a banana

Our venue caught on fire about a month before our wedding! We were able to cram into a pavilion on the property for the reception but we had to cut back on guests and ask people not to bring their kids. So overall that sucked but it ended up being beautiful and the weather was fantastic. Also my sister went into labor early just before the wedding :(

Let me know what you do! I have cruise planned for December, but we were thinking of starting in August so I was wondering the same. Of course, it may take us a long time but it was something I was thinking about

Yes I was worried about that 😬 I could not believe the prices on some of those!

Did you end up keeping the let’s dance lovable? I found some at my local store this week, and I’ve also always dreamed of having blue/pink hydrangea. Since I have so little shade here, I think it might be my only chance. Would love to know if you like it

Same. Have you found anything that helps? I have not

I tried budesonide once with no change to my diarrhea whatsoever 😫 maybe I need to try again with a higher dosage or something

AMEN! I’m in Florida on vacation rn and there are so many good gf restaurants with arepas, empanadas, onion rings, pasta, sandwiches, etc 🥹

Couple hundred dollar gift card to a steakhouse!

I second the glow sticks! It really got people out on the dance floor who normally wouldn’t feel comfortable. We got a ton of compliments!