Statistically, women are more likely to be killed by men than bears. That's why we choose bear.

Sincerely, A woman who doesn't listen to or watch true crime

"Boys will be boys."

No, boys will be held accountable for their actions, just like girls are.

I hope everyone reading this will forgive me for my ignorance, but TIL that Boomers don't only exist in America! I thought that was a 'Murican thing! 🤦🏽‍♀️

ETA: The culture and the tude, not just the age group.

Quietly keep collecting all the poop, save it all in a bin outside, then once you have a fat stash, sprawl it all around his yard or leave it all in a bag on his front porch (at night when he's asleep) with a note that reads, "Here, I picked up all your dog's poop for you."

Also, if you can, maybe invest in a gated fence for your yard.

Love it, live it, make sound bites and videos of my own and share them on social media.

The Tonight Dough and Everything But The...

Hi, 36F here. I have a similar issue minus the high sex drive; I still need the physical touch. I have personally found that regular deep tissue and Swedish massages do it for me. 10/10, highly recommend.

Bras; I wear sports bras instead. But I'm 36 and the girls need help, so I'm gonna have to bite it very soon 😭

Yeah, the other day, he told me, "By the time I was 30 (I'm 36), I was married, owned a house, and had 2 kids, just to give you an example." I wanted to retort, "Yeah, and you later wound up divorced and estranged from those children," but I thought better than to reach for his throat.

Is it weird that this inspires one to make a Hinge profile? Asking for a friend (36F).

My father to understand that the value of my dollar is not the same as his was when he was my age.

Actually I have an entire central nervous system. In fact, you do too! 😀

I can't refer to any research, but from personal experience surviving my (36F) existential crisis, it was mostly about poor decisions and the horrible circumstances they resulted in. Gratitude journaling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, hiking, clean eating, Stoic philosophy, and changing my ways saved my life.

My stepdad made a similar mistake trying to book a flight to Wichita Falls, TX. He wound up in Wichita, KS.

Years later, it's a funny story in my family.

"It's in their chromozones." 😆

Can Orb Weavers be this small? I have never seen one so small. Its diameter is no wider than a pencil eraser.