If only marginalized groups werent so sensitive to violent rhetoric against them. 🙄

Its always funny when people try to use this defense. Its actually worse than I thought. Also fucked up he made light of Asian people being attacked over covid. If thats whats funny to you, you are a bad person.

Monkey in Space

Are they over represented? What shows specifically gave a 55/45 demographic breakdown. Maybe if you are sitting there obsessively counting the number of queer people, you notice more queer characters. Here's an idea stop fixating so much on queer people and mind your own business.

Unfortunately this article is just clickbait. Trump is going to end up being the Republican nominee in 2024. So hopefully the democrats have something to actually offer the American people this time.

Thats because cops are essentially a government funded gang. They are not obligated to help citizens, nor answer us. I wouldn't be surprised if the city had a sudden spike in violent crimes and thefts, which then gets the cops more funding and "teach people a lesson" for questioning them.

Some strong All Lives Matter energy. Really doesn't take much for discrimination against gay people to be justified, they just need to point out you are making harmful statements. And a nice way to blame shift again, maybe if we were more docile we wouldn't be discriminated against. You like supporting in theory just not when it challenges you, gotcha.

Okay well you have now had multiple people in the queer community tell you these sorts of comments and jokes are problematic. But hey, straight people probably know more about what's harmful to the queer community than we do. And I disagree with your second statement, heteronormative culture is seemingly obsessed with gay people. Speculating peoples sexuality, obsessing about our sex lives, or just generally policing peoples sexualities and gender roles. I wish you guys would just leave us alone.

Eh its a way for straight people to shift blame for homophobia on to the gay community. It makes it a gay problem they don't have to address within themselves or their community. I mean a bunch of people used this as an opportunity to just make 90s-era gay jokes just above you, while astroturfing that they care about gay people.

So the Minneapolis Police Department knew it was a matter of time he killed someone, and kept him on anyway?

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