I always tell people if you never smoked never do it bc I wish someone told me this at 14, your money can go to much better things also it just changes who you are as a person if you use daily & not for the better. I had a gf who would always want to smoke with me I always told her no this is a habit I don’t want anyone to have it sucks

sorry for your loss she so adorable & just looks like the sweetest

Idk I feel like it was a skit. The lighting looked different. Either way it was entertaining

21F feel like I’m 16 or 17 😩 some days I feel like a toddler some days I feel more mature. 20s are such a confusing part of life

Every night, gotta let the 🐱 breathe

ngl if I didn’t have morals it would definitely be on my list 🤣

Jobs hiring asap

I’m open to any work fast food, retail,some warehouse, entry level office jobs or call centers, etc. I’m 21, live on the west side & only have experience in retail,fast food & warehouse. Would like recommendations that pay at least $15hr.

What do you prioritize in your separate life if you don’t mind me asking?

I was used to being around people & I still am, I can hold a conversation & people gravitate to me & start conversations with me I’m just more nervous now sadly & its hard for me to be the one who starts conversation. I’m only 21 Ig im immature but I’m trying my best to be better everyday

I will try, thanks for the response !

how to get over social anxiety/being shy working a job that involves human interaction.

I used to work fast food & retail jobs in my early teens & was super extroverted could start a conversation with anyone,didn’t overthink everything.

once covid happened + losing relationships with my bestfriends & my gf after graduation + becoming super distant with my family + grieving my childhood + all the bad things that have happened in the past recent years in this world , I’ve become this introverted,shy,awkward person & always would say I “hate” ppl

Becoming this person made me avoid jobs that involved human interaction I was scared of humans basically lol. I got introduced to temp agencies & warehouse work & fell in love “temporarily” lol I liked seeing & being involved with the behind the scenes from big companies I loved, + the money was good, it was easy work you didn’t have to do any math (math makes me nervous even though I’m pretty good at handling cash I second guess myself), & barely had to deal with ppl & when I did they usually are cool people.

Recently I’ve been wanting to get back into working retail one because it will benefit me by pushing me out my comfort zone & benefit me in the future when I’m running my own business. Two I’ve been wanting to get out more & meet new people. The thing is I’ve been over thinking it so much.

I got a interview at journeys which I’m excited about because one they have good benefits, two I LOVE shoes & clothes, three I’m actually allowed to be a girl now & get my nails/lashes/hair done & wear what I want to work, four they pay weekly & I’m trying to get a car.

I try to tell myself to just focus on the things I love about the job & remind myself the reason why I want to work here & not worry about what anyone thinks of me while I’m working

I know I’ll do fine but I keep psyching myself out & thinking maybe I shouldn’t go & keep practicing how I’d talk to customers when they come in😭.

Any tips for someone like me? Any ideas of small talk I could say to customers coming in. I want to get back to the old me 🥲 If you read this & give advice ily

thoughts on this professional summary? how can i make it better?

"Dedicated and adaptable professional with seven years of diverse experience in fast food, retail, and warehouse environments, starting from the age of 14. Proven ability to thrive in fast-paced, customer-facing roles while maintaining a strong work ethic and attention to detail. Skilled in customer service, inventory management, and team collaboration. Now seeking a work-from-home opportunity to leverage acquired skills in a remote setting, demonstrating a commitment to delivering exceptional results while embracing the flexibility and autonomy of remote work."

thank you. i posted my resume in the resume group, which has only years shown, and someone said to add the months no point in trying to hide it because it looks suspicious they may ask in the interview &it will help the resume pass ATS.

I hate lying I feel like I'm a horrible liar & I already am nervous when thinking about an interview so I don't want to "forget my script" lmao