Soooooo is the guy wearing the Big Blacked and Jacked shirt going to sit at any point during the show? Or will he just block dozens of people's views behind him the entire night?

I was at Dreamhack Dallas last month, and while it has improved over the years, there were still instances of insane B.O.

This is one of my favorite PR items that I own, despite not being accurate to the original costume.

I actually attended this show and we saw the dick pic drama minutes before we walked into the studio. Shit was awkward. I got to do the intro and meet Martin Saergent though!

I actually enjoyed the series! A bit campy but I think that's what they were going for.

They were sequels, not remakes. Though I feel City of Angels is better than people give it credit for. The rest were trash .

Cajun Table has a damn good Etouffee. Also, Pat's may be closed down from the tornado we recently had.

Found the vet that terrorizes the staff at Applebee's for not getting his 10% off.

Why do you carry so much water for private schools? If your stat is correct, shouldn't we be more focused on improving our public schools so every child can get a fair shake and not just the ones with the wealthier parents? Plus not everyone wants their kid to go to a religious private school, which is pretty much the only choice anywhere around here.

I was there last week and loved it! It was my first visit since Ms Theresa retired and I loved the expansion of products while simultaneously maintaining the spirit she made for three decades.

This is where my mom would stash all of the unpaid bills while spending everything at the casino while my dad worked all day. 10/10 nostalgia

I love the X-Men and I love Lego. But I will not spend $85 dollars on this item, which at the most should be $40. Especially when there's usually the Batwing next to it for $35.

The immediate cut to their gravestones sends me every time.

This easily beat ANYTHING on Mania Night 1 and a good part of Night 2.

The Toys R Us in Times Square was fantastic.

That dollar off black and yellow storage container brings out the primal hoarding nature in people.

I'm not sure why you're being down voted so much. I feel this is a pretty accurate view, and this is coming from someone who likes Perry.

Was this the same day you purchased a Gameboy camera and took this shot?

It appears that you're in a car bed. The PS3 is safe.