Either their head is hurt or not. If they go down after contact to the head legitimately, they shouldn't play on. If they go down rolling feigning a head injury, they shouldn't play on.

So if players try to get opposition subbed, they either deliberately cause a head injury (ban them) or they don't make contact...in which case the player on the receiving end wouldn't/shouldn't go down rolling as if they did.

I guess they want some jeopardy about it, but I do think it could use some minor tweaks. Not necessarily infinite rerolls, but even something like cant reroll the same temper twice in a row would make it less likely to brick an item.

Feels unbelievably frustrating and helpless just rolling the same (wrong) temper 5 times in a row.

You know you have complete autonomy over what and who you watch on Youtube?

He's successful because apparently even people who don't like him still watch his videos and then complain about it. Real easy to just not click the video if you don't want to consume his content.

Force a sub. Any hint of a head injury, don't take any risks. Can't be fuckin about with concussions, so any head injuries are a mandatory sub. Faking it will stop pretty soon.

:04Dovi: Andrea Dovizioso

Weird set of circumstances that led to this but you have to think that would never happen today. They're basically doing a regular race start but stacked together and in a tight pit-lane with marshalls around. So unsafe.

Why tf you have to qualify that with 'I'm not racist but...'?

You can say 'Lukaku bad' and noone would question it, saying 'I'm not racist but Lukaku is bad' just makes me realise you're racist.

Despicable Me 4 will do alright but no chance it gets close to the numbers of Inside Out.

Then that's on the manager. Bellingham is a world-class box-box, and as much of a goal threat as he has been this season, he's a better and arguably more impactful player overall when he's in that role. If he was 'fucking off upfield' when asked to be more of a box-box, then it's on the manager to fix that.

You say 'he fucks off to play AM' but that's clearly what Southgate is asking of him. Any manager, even Southgate, would hook a player if they were blatantly ignoring their designated role to do whatever they want, especially for 4 games in a row.

:04Dovi: Andrea Dovizioso

Rather have Hamilton involved than cretins like you.

Good food ain’t cheap and cheap food ain’t good.

And this food is neither good, nor is it cheap. Therefore, it is a rip-off.

There is more chance that we invent a time machine and sign Messi at 17.

He's not been great, but the whole team has been pretty garbage.

Fodens movement is really good. He is constantly finding a pass and moving into space, but this is not a Pep team, and they either don't have the balls or the permission to play those return balls. To the uneducated eye, it ends up looking like Foden plays 30 backwards passes a game and nothing else.

Foden simply won't shine for England until Southgate is gone and we have a manager with the tactical nous to play Rice as a single pivot behind Bellingham and Foden.

Found his "who else?" after scoring a bit cringe, as if he hadn't been largely shit for a consecutive 270 minutes prior.

:mika-hakkinen: Mika Häkkinen

I mean, Max literally won a race at that corner against Leclerc a few years back. Dive-bombed, Charles had to get out of it/was forced to leave the track, and Max kept the position. No penalty.

:mika-hakkinen: Mika Häkkinen

He said something like he doesn't move under braking, he steers and then brakes in a straight line...but surely that's still not allowed if you brake in a straight line into the path of another driver?

:mika-hakkinen: Mika Häkkinen

This was fun, but somehow still ended with Max winning by 5s.

* Record Scratch *

America: "Yeah, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here."

Goldwrap chicken build was my favourite thing in D3. The speed you could clear Nephs/Bounties was insane.

Didn't Rice play as a single DM for West Ham? And was amazing, arguably prompting Arsenal to go in for him in thr first place.

Don't get me wrong, he has the skillset to do more, but I don't think playing a lone pivot is beyond him as a footballer.

The bigger issue is Southgate is allergic to anything other than double pivot.

Was the best young box-box in the world at Dortmund, plays as a 10/false-9 out of necessity at Madrid, and now he's 'as good as benched' if you don't play him as a 10.

Don't get me wrong, he was incredible this season, but seeing people fall over themselves to say that playing Foden 10/Bellingham 8 is 'wasting' Jude is so mad. If Bellingham is the generational talent we all believe him to be, I'd rather have him in his natural '8' role where he can impact more of the game than forced forward to be a goal threat.

Amazon Basin Emerald Tree Boa.

Maybe one day.

Nah, silly as that is, it at least had some sense to it. People clicker train dogs/birds all the time, I can suspend some disbelief that raptors trained from birth could respond to positive reinforcement.

Laser guided dinosaurs when it would take so much less time, money, and planning to just shoot someone is bananas.

It's more amusing to me when you imagine the canonic R&D process that goes into it. Is there a board of execs somewhere in the JW universe that decided what the world really needs is laser-guided dinosaurs, and sunk unimaginable amounts of money into genetic development before anyone at the table said "why dont you just...I dunno...shoot them with a gun?".