I’m worried I have DID and all of me might not be my gender. My gender chances. How do you deal with this?

This happens to me at random times but I recognize them. I’m not sure if I have DID.

They are all you...parts of you that just haven’t met yet.

Luci probably really loves You and is trying to protect You in her way. Do you know about ‘protectors?’ She likely wants you to feel this way because she’s afraid of you messing things up for You. It’s possible you might have to come to an understanding with her that you’ll both work together to come up with new ways to protect Yourself. The rest of You will probably be easier to connect with once you and Luci work through your fears, anger, and shame.

Your sisters love you; do you think they’ll love all of You?

So, ethnicity is the thing that is real and race is the thing that we made up so that we could do slavery

This is so cute. It doesn’t happen right in front of me. So it doesn’t happen at all. Object permanence isn’t your strong suit, is it?

Because if she had gotten pregnant and given birth, none of us would be talking about this. People don’t care about child rape survivors. They turn their eyes away. They don’t wanna know about it.

They’re gonna lose more than bodily autonomy. Republicans plan to make it impossible to get out of your marriage if you want to divorce. They plan to take away supplemental nutrition support for the children of single mothers so that the only feasible way for class and poor women to raise a child is if they get married. So if you accidentally conceived during consensual sex or conceived when you get raped, you’re gonna have to give it a option or get married. That’s why they’ve kept the child marriage laws on the books… so they can marry off kids and teens who get pregnant. The parents sign over the rights to the child to the husband and the child legally has no recourse because she can’t file for divorce until she’s 18. It’s disgusting. It’s like sexual slavery for children,. And Republicans also plan to remove all sex and gender-based protections from the law. Does that include the right to vote? I am skeptical that it would not. If you want to read about any of us, it’s all published and a playbook for making America into a Christian authoritarian dictatorship that was put out by the Heritage Foundation, which was working with former Trump White House officials and about 30 conservative think tanks and private industry consultants. They called it Project 2025. Trump said he would follow the plan laid out in Project 2025. The Heritage Foundation didn’t like all the attention it was getting though, and they took it off of their website. You can still find up on the Internet. Oh yeah, I forgot one. They also want to get rid of child support. Sick, sick people.

Your brain doesn’t form memories the way that they normally form when something traumatic is happening. You’re more likely to remember the sensations and impressions and they aren’t going to be in order, necessarily. So, she might not have the detailed information she would need to even be able to recognize in her memories the people that did it.

That seems low. I thought it was one in four or five for girls and one in six or seven for boys? maybe I’m thinking of lifetime rape rates.

As csa survivor, you have to laugh when you can. That was incredibly cathartic. Personally, I like to fantasize that in some version of the universe there’s a boating accident, a tricky stair on a staircase, a loaded gun that needs cleaned, and a incurable case of salmonella for each one of these fuckers. Of course, that’s wrong, but it makes me feel better to imagine.

Same here. I remember trips I went on, animals I rode, playing in the bathtub… from about 2 1/2 to 3 years of age. I have pictures of some of my memories that I saw much later.

if it were just semantics, they wouldn’t care about trans women sharing spaces with cis women

Anybody who’s reading this should note that the person who wrote this comment above used the term trans ideology. Trans ideology is a term coined by anti-transgender activists to delegitimize the science, theory, and clinical praxis research conducted for over 100 years in the West on transgender. There is no trans ideology. Just like there’s no gay agenda.

I do nazi what you’re saying reflected in the historical record. I see a shit ton of research going back to a certain point of time and then nothing. And yet there are stories of something existing before that… research and even surgeries done 100 years ago. It’s almost like part of it has been erased by some evil force. Like they burned libraries and human beings to an erase it. And then it had to be rediscovered in other western nations. Hmm. I wonder what happened.

The man is ignoring the existence of intersex people, who have mixed sets of sex chromosomes and mixed primary and secondary sex characteristic expression. If we could separate from the Christian conceptualization of the brain as a flesh reservoir for a mysterious mind-spirit, we would be able to think of the brain as just yet another organ in the body…that could have sex-linked traits. We might be open to the idea that the brain could be intersex and so when we learn that transgender people have mixed sex trait linked features in the anatomy and function of their brains, it wouldn’t rock our world.